The Future

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Emily's POV

Today is the day we find out if we will have a boy or girl. I my self am just hoping for a healthy baby. I do not care what the gender is going to be.

"Hey Em, you ready? I can't wait to find out." Daniel says leaning against the door frame.

"Yea, I will met you downstairs. Let me finish getting ready." I say giving him a peck on the lips.

I finish putting my make one and make my way downstairs but I hear Daniel talking to someone.

"Look we are finding out in a few hours. I will let you know when we find out. Yes Char, I will let you know once we get back to the house. Love you to Char. Bye"

"Hey Daniel was that Charlotte? What did she want?"

"Yea she wanted to know if we knew yet so I told her that we will call her once we get home later today."

"Okay, lets get going to see if we need to buy pink or blue clothes for this baby." I say rubbing my belly and kissing Daniel.

"Lets, but don't forget if it is a girl we need to get bows and if it is a boy we need to stock up on band-aids."

"True, but we have to find out first."

We get in to the car and drive all the way to town and to the doctors office. We wait for what seems for ever but it was actually 15 minutes. We got called back and that is when I started to get nervous.

"Well Mrs. Grayson you want to find out the gender today don't you?" the doctor said.

"Yes we are hoping to find out today. If we can't all I want to know is that the baby is healthy."

"Well as it looks the baby is healthy and we can find out if it is a boy or girl. Just give me a minute and you will know."

Daniel and I again waited for what felt like forever but this time it was more like 2 minutes.

"Well it looks like you are having a baby girl. Lets get all cleanup and I will print some pictures so you can show your family and friends."

The doctor left to get the pictures of our baby girl. Daniel and I started to clean up that stupid gel that they have to put on my stomach. Lets just say I wont miss it.

"Em I hope our daughter looks like you." Daniel says kissing my belly first then my lips.

"Well I hope she has your eyes and your smile." I say kissing him back.

The doctor comes in and hands us the pictures of out daughter. We go out the reception desk and make our next appointment for next month. Daniel head back to town to pick up a few things for dinner tonight.

"Hey Daniel before we go to the store, can we go to the baby store around the corner and pick out an outfit or two? And some bows?" I ask Daniel with a puppy face.

"Of course. I am going to spoil both of my girls. That sounds so weird. Both of mu girls. I still cant believe that we are having a GIRL!!"

"I know. I cant believe it either. And you are not going to spoil her, I think Charlotte is going to. Instead of telling her by calling her, can we invite her over for dinner and show her? And since it is Christmas time we can get an ornament and put the pictures in it and that can be the only ornament on the tree."

"That sounds like a great idea. Lets go get a couple of outfits, an ornament, and things for dinner."Daniel says kissing my forehead.

We get the baby store and pick out a grey and pink outfit, a pink blanket, and pink bows, and we even found an ornament.

We got home ans set up the tree and even wrapped the things we got today at the store. We called Charlotte and she is coming in a few minutes.

"Hey guys, thanks for inviting me." Charlotte says hugging us as she comes in.

"Thanks for coming. I know you are dying to know. Go look at the tree." Daniel says with a smile.

All of a sudden, Charlotte is screaming in joy.

"Its a Girl!! AHHH!"

She runs up and gives Daniel and I both a hug.

"I am going to spoil that little girl so much. She is going to be the Hampton's most spoiled child." Charlotte says laughing.

"How did I know you where going to say that." Daniel and I both said in unison.

The rest of the night was spent around the table eating and telling child hood stories. The whole time I was thinking how I want this for my child, and how Daniel an I will love her more than she will ever know.

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