Plus One

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Conrad has been in the Hamptons for a week now. He is planning on going back to the manor to surprise Victoria and the kids. He has been gone for three months on a Grayson Global business trip.

He is driving up the manor drive way now.

He opens the door and sees Victoria with a shocked face. "That look on your face lokks like you were not expecting me to see me again."

"Well I half expected you to call to let me know."

"Well I am here now. Where's Charlotte and Daniel? I wanted to have a family dinner tonight."

"Well Daniel and Emily life down the beach and Charlotte is down at the each with some of her friends. What time where thinking about having dinner?"

"Around 7? I will go down to Emily's to ask her and Daniel over. Will you ask Charlotte for me?" Conrad says with a kiss on Victoria's cheek.

Conrad walked down to the beach house.

"Hey Danny I think your Dad is coming up here. I am not feeling well can you answer the door?" Emily says running the stairs.

"Yea. I will be up there after he leaves. I love you." Daniel says.

"Hey Daniel I was wondering if you and Emily would like to have dinner as a family tonight at 7?"

"Sure. We may be a little late. Emily isn't feeling so well. Wait when did you get back in town?"

"Oh well I hope she feel better,and this morning. I will you you at 7!"

Emily was still up stairs lying in bed sick.

"Em are you up to going and having dinner with my Family tonight?" Daniel says laying beside her.

"Yea. What time?"

" At 7. I told him we would probably be a little late."

"Ok well I am going to get in the shower to clean up a bit. When should we tell them?"

"Well you are 10 weeks now. So any time now. I can always ask to add a person. So when we show up and not have a plus one they will ask where he/she is and I would say "They are one the way" and when they don't show up that is when we would tell them." Daniel says

"That sounds good. I will be done in a minute." Emily says kissing Daniel

Emily gets done with getting ready. She puts on a white and navy striped dress that shows her small bump. Daniel puts on a pair of grey slacks and a light pink button down with a small black tie.

"Em are you ready its 7!" Daniel shouts up the stairs.

"Yea, let me finish up." She yells back down at Daniel

"You look stunning." He says kissing Emily.

" Thanks. Can we walk there? I don't feel like riding in the car."

"Yea I was thinking about doing that too."

Daniel and Emily made there way to Grayson Manor. When they arrived they used the front door to make it look like there plan is going to work.

"Emily and Daniel its nice to see that you could make it. Where's your plus one?" Victoria said

"They are on the way. They said to begin with out them." Daniel said knowing the plan is going to work.

"Sure. Lets head to the dinning room to begin." Conrad said leading everyone to the dinning room.

The first course cam and went, the second, and then the third. Then came the dessert .

"Daniel where is that friend of yours?" Conrad said.

"I guess they forgot where to go. I will go and call them excuse me." He says getting up and kissing the tops of Emily's ans Victoria's head.

"So Emily how have you been these 3 months?" Victoria said.

"You should know. We talked to you a couple week ago. But good how have you been?" Emily said waiting for Daniel to get back.

"Hey sorry to interrupt but they forgot. I guess you guys can meet them soon." Daniel says looking at Emily know it is time to tell them.

"I have been doing good knowing that magazine article was not true." Victoria says back to Emily.

"Well that was true. Emily and I are expecting. He or she was our plus one." Daniel says with a mean look on his face.

"You have to be kidding me." Victoria says storming out of the dinning room.

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