Start of Something New

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One Month Later

Emily and Daniel are out gathering items to finish the baby's nursery. While out Emily started to remember things about Ashley.

"Em are you ok? You seem down."

"Yea, I just saw a necklace like Ashley had and it just brought back some memories. But lets go get the rest of the stuff so our daughter can have the best nursery."

The Grayson's finished shopping for the little one and started to head home when Emily's phone started to ring. But she didn't recognize the number.


"Mrs. Grayson this is doctor Harrington's office to remind you of your ultrasound that is scheduled for tomorrow at 10 am."

"Oh, yes, thank you we will be there! See you tomorrow!"

"Who was that Em?" Daniel said with a worried look on his face.

"It was Doctor Harrington's office calling to remind me of the ultrasound we have scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10."

"Oh yea I totally forgot. I will have to call Grayson Global tomorrow and ask someone to cover me. If I can't find anyone to cover me will it be ok if I can't make it? I really want to be there for you and our baby."

"Yea I will be ok. Plus its not like I have done this for the past 7 months. I will let you know what they say and if anything is wrong or even slightly wrong." Emily says kissing Daniels hand.

Daniel and Emily finally got home and finished Berkeley's nursery. A week earlier the bedding came so Emily went a head and set it up in the crib. Everything was set up and all that was left is to get the rest of the clothes and toy and stuff like that. Its around 7:30 when they finally realize what time it is.

"Hey Em, its 7:30 what do you want to do for dinner? We can stay in or go out?" Daniel yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"We can go to the Stowaway if you want. We haven't been there in a long time." Emily said leaning on the threshold of Berkeley's nursery so Daniel can see her.

"Sounds good." Daniel said smiling at his beautiful wife.

Emily and Daniel arrive at the Stowaway and are immediately welcomed by Sammy. Sammy jumps up on Emily and Daniel makes sure he doesn't hurt her or the baby.

"Hey Sammy. How have you been?" Emily says petting Sammy and rubbing his belly.

"He's been doing well. He loves blond heads named Emily." Says Jack stepping out behind the bar.

"Oh dose he. Its nice to see you Jack." Emily says giving Jack a side hug.

"You too. I see pregnancy has been treating you well."

"Well not really, she's been sick a lot and is tired all the time." Daniel says interrupting there conversation.

"Has it? Well I am sure this baby is going to be beautiful. I mean it has to be right? I forgot what are you having?" Jack says trying too keep his cool.

"A girl. We are naming her Berkeley Jane." Emily says.

"Where did you come up with that name? Did you come up with it Grayson?" Jack asks Daniel.

"Actually Emily came up with Berkeley and I came up with Jane. I don't know where Berkeley came from but Jane came from the street where my favorite childhood park was on." Daniel said with a smile.

"Berkeley came from my Dad's side of the family. It was his moms maiden name and his middle name." Emily saids rubbing her hands trying to fight back tears.

"Em you okay? I didn't mean for you to cry." Jack asked.

"Yea, its just the hormones and I wish my dad was here to see his grandchild."

Daniel and Emily finally sit down and order their food. They finish their food and stay to talk to Jack, Amanda, and even Carl. The bar was closed when they left because they where just having fun catching up with their friends. On the way home Emily broke down in tears.

"Em whats wrong?"

"It just hit me that my parents will never get to see their grandchildren. They will never get to hold them, kiss them, and love them like i was loved as a child. But I know they are looking down at us smiling because I did find the right guy o be my husband and the father of my children." Emily says with a teary smile.

"Wait so you want to have more children after Berkeley?" Daniel said trying to get Emily's mind off the though subject.

"With you yes, but it depends on how she is. If she has your care free attitude than yes, but if she has my stubbornness then I don't know. But I just hope she loves you as much as I love you."

"I hope she loves you the way I love you. But I have to tell you something. I may love her more than you ."

"I hope so. Because I may love her more than you too."

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