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So here it is the next chapter of Devotion:

1 Month Later
Its been a month since Daniel's unexpected trip to the hospital. Since that time Daniel and Emily became closer and so did some unwanted family members. Victoria's been visiting unexpectedly for the past month. Some timed she calls, sometimes she doesn't.

Daniel and Emily where getting ready to go into town one day when Victoria decided to make one of her “Visit's”.

“Hello Emily, Daniel. I was just coming over to talk to Daniel about something. Emily can you give Daniel and I a moment?”

“Yes, I will be upstairs. Daniel just call if you need anything.” Emily leaves but not with out leaving Daniel with a kiss.

“ What do you want to talk about Victoria? That was so important I couldn't go into town with my wife?”

“Daniel, I know you are mad at me for interrupting you day with Emily, but I wanted to tell you that I am sorry for me intruding for the past month. I know that it has been a hassle but I just wanted you to know. I guess I will get going.” Victoria said with a modest tone.

Victoria leaves the newly weds home.

“Em she's gone! You can come down now!” Daniel yells up the stair way.

Emily comes down the stairs. “What did your mother want this time?”

“She wanted to applause for intruding the past month. Now what do you say. Want to go to town?” Daniel says returning Emily's kiss.

“Lets go!” Emily says with a big smile on her face.

Daniel and Emily head to town. They go to the local market, go to local shop's, and even buy a couple things.

Daniel and Emily stop in front of a store. “Daniel on day we will need to go into this store. One day we will have to change our lives for ever.” Emily smiles then kisses Daniel.

“Em, I can't wait till the day we will have to go in there. I can't wait till our lives will change.” Daniel says returning her kiss.

Little did they know some one was watching.

The Next Day

Emily and Daniel where on the beach watching the waves crash, listening to the sea gulls yell, and loving being with each other. Victoria saw them down there and decided to ask them a question.

Victoria made her way down the boardwalk and down to the beach where they where siting.

“Emily, Daniel nice to see you.” Victoria said with a fake smile on her face.

Emily noticed something in her monster in-laws hand. “What do you have in your hand Victoria? Is that what you want to talk about” Emily says curiously.

“Actually it is. I got an email this morning with this photo attached of your adventure in town yesterday. I wanted to make sure it wasn't true.” Victoria said with a mischievous look on her face.

Emily and Daniel looked at the picture and where taken away of how some one could do that to them.

The picture was of them out side a baby boutique kissing and was titled “ Prince and Princess of the Hampton's have a new addition coming soon.”

“Victoria that is not true of now. We do want a family but not this soon. You will be the first we tell promise me. Plus as it looks like you already know how to find our secrets.” Emily said with a scowl.

“Mom we would definitely tell you when we plan on having a child. We want to have one but not now since I am still getting better after the incident that happened a month ago.”Daniel said kissing Emily's forehead.

Victoria was embarrassed that Emily knew she took the picture, that she followed them into town, and made a point to make sure that Emily knew that she dose not want a baby Grayson.

Emily and Daniel made there way back to the beach house laughing at what Victoria did.

“Who could be that invested in our time to make up such a lie like that.” Emily said laughing.

“Well, after what you said yesterday out side that store I began thinking. What if we did start a family. A family away from the Grayson name. But with the last name of course.”

“I would like that. Lets just let life take its course. Let it happen when it wants to. But that doesn't mean we can't practice.” She said with a wink and running up the stairs.

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