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  FLASHBACK: "So Emily how have you been these 3 months?" Victoria said.

"You should know. We talked to you a couple week ago. But good how have you been?" Emily said waiting for Daniel to get back.

"Hey sorry to interrupt but they forgot. I guess you guys can meet them soon." Daniel says looking at Emily know it is time to tell them.

"I have been doing good knowing that magazine article was not true." Victoria says back to Emily.

"Well that was true. Emily and I are expecting. He or she was our plus one." Daniel says with a mean look on his face.

"You have to be kidding me." Victoria says storming out of the dinning room.END FLASHBACK

"VICTORIA!!" Conrad yells with angerVictoria is on her balcony

"What Conrad! All you are going to do is yell at me for storming out. I don't want to be a grandmother. I am too young. I-I-."

"You what Victoria. I don't want to hear anything that is a lie. That's all you do."

"I don't like Emily. I don't trust her." Victoria said crying.

"That's want all moms say when they give a way their first born." Conrad said hugging his wife.

They both head back down to the dinning room to finish the meal.

"Emily, Daniel I am sorry for the way that I reacted. I just don't know if I am a rady to be called Grandma Grayson." Victoria says sitting down.

"Mom, if it helps I don't think we are ready either. But I know we will make it work." Daniel says while getting up to hug his mother.

"Victoria he is right I don't know if we really are ready. I am scared out of my mind but I know we can give this baby the best life that we can." Emily says getting up to join Daniel.

"Emily. Can I Talk to you out in the garden? Privately?" Victoria says with a stern look on her face.

"Yea. Sure." She follows her but confused on what is going on.

"Emily I just wanted to know if you really love Daniel. I understand now that I just asked you that you are probably mad at me now."

"I ask my self that everyday. And you know what I tell my self? I tell my self every quality I love about Daniel. I love his sense of humor, his smile, he is loyal,and I cant imagine my self with out him in my life. Now I love him more because I know that he will be the best father to OUR child. And yes I am mad at you for doubting my love for your son." Emily says beginning to cry from the hormones

 "Stop crying you are just playing with me! I know you aren't really pregnant! You can't be! Daniel would never want to be a father! Expectancy with a women like you!" Victoria says with a venomous look on her face.

"If you don't believe me then what is this?" Emily pulls out the pictures from the ultrasound, clearly showing that there is a baby. " So do you believe me now. And you are wrong about Daniel! He loves me and our child already! He was more thrilled about it than me! That proves you wrong!" Emily says with confidence.

Before anything else can happen Victoria slaps Emily in the face sending her back into a table. She is lying there crying even harder.

"DANIELLL!!" Emily cries. "HELP!"

Daniel comes running into the garden and sees Emily lying across the table and sees her holding her face crying harder than he ever has.

"Emily what the hell happened out here?" Daniel says with concern on his face.

"Your mother said I-I-I didn't love you and didn't think that I was pre-pre-gnant. I-I told her how m-much I did and sh-showed her the ultrasound. Then sh-she slapped me." Emily says trying not to over due it

"What the hell mom? Every time I get what I want to try to ruin it. I love Emily and I love my unborn child more than you will ever know!" Daniel said picking up Emily "Come on Em we are going to the hospital to get you checked out to make sure you and the baby are ok."

"Daniel she is fine. Stop worrying about her. Worry about me!" Victoria said

"She's pregnant! I am going to worry about her cause you are not going to hurt me and my wife agin. You are not going to ever meet your grandchild. Good bye Victoria." Daniel said storming out the Manor

 "This isn't over Daniel! I am going to see my grandchild! This storm has just began!" Victoria says with her venom spewing out of her mouth.

****So here it is. Sorry it's a little late! I am out of school for a month so I am going to try to post more! If you have any comments let me know!! THANKS!!!****

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