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Last night Daniel and Emily had a very emotional night reminiscing on memories that they had with Ashley. They had fallen asleep on the floor in the guest room beside the box of memories that Emily had saved through out the years.

It was around 8 am when Emily woke up in her bed. Emily thought to her self "Daniel must have moved me last night." Daniel did move her but it wasn't until early morning when he moved her, when he woke up to get ready to head to the office.

Emily got up and got dressed for the day. She picked out a pair of maternity jeans, a black and white striped shirt, and am army green sweater to wear for the day. She paired her out fit with a pair of slip on white shoes. After she got dressed she headed downstairs to fix a quick breakfast, and then headed into town for her appointment.

Emily arrived at the doctors office and waited to get called back.

"Mrs. Grayson?" One of Doctor Harrington's nurses called out. Emily got up from her chair and headed back to the room with the nurse. "How are you feeling today Mrs. Grayson?" "I'm feeling ok, I'm starting to feel a little pressure, but other than that, ok." "Have you had anything weird or concerning happen in the past month?" "No, ma'am, well I did have a day or two where I didn't feel the baby move. Is that normal?" Emily says with a concern look on her face. "It happens sometimes, I will inform Doctor Harrington of that. He should be in in a few!" "Thank you!" Emily says as the nurse walks out the door.

Doctor Harrington enters the room with a very worried expression on his face. "How are you doing Mrs. Grayson?" "I'm doing ok, you?" "It's going. I heard that you've had a day or two that you haven't felt the baby?" He says while putting the cold gel on Emily's belly. "Yes, is that normal?" "It can be, now let's check on this little one shall we?"

Doctor Harrington dose the normal checks to measure the baby and looks at the heart relate and all that kind of stuff. "Emily I am going to get one of the other Doctors to come and help me a minute, if that is ok?" "Sure, is everything ok?" "I think so, but I want to get another opinion." Emily is now scared of what is wrong with her and Daniels baby girl.

Emily waits five minutes in complete silence waiting for Doctor Harrington and the other doctor to come in. When they finally do Emily's heart sinks. She can tell something is up.

"Emily, is there a way Daniels can come in? There is news that both of you should hear together." Emily is now loosing her mind and is struggling to find her own words. "Yes Doctor, it's going to be a couple minutes though, he's at the office." Emily says trying to fight back the tears. "That's ok, why don't you come with me, I mad going to move you into my office while we wait."

Emily calls up Daniels real quick like. "Em, is everything ok?" "I don't know Daniel, Doctor Harrington asked me to call you to see if you can come to the doctors office, he has some very important for us. It's freaking me out a little." "Of course I can. I will be there in five." "Ok great, I will see you then! I love you Daniel." "Love you too Em, see you in a minute."

It feels like an eternity until Daniel arrives to the office. "Hey Em." Daniel says kissing the top of Emily's head. "Mr and Mrs. Grayson, I have some news about you baby girl. Emily you told the nurse and I that you didn't feel her move for a day or two." "Correct", Emily says. "Well, I think I found out why." Emily then grabs and squeezes Daniels hand. "Your baby girl has lost her heart beat, I'm so sorry you two. If you need anything let me know."

Daniel and Emily can not believe what they had just heard. Their little girl has lost her heart beat. Why? Why here? They both thought. It took the news a couple minutes to sink in but when it did, it was like the whole world had come crashing down. Emily could not believe that her baby girl that was inside her was not alive anymore. They both held each other crying.

They finally had the strength to get up and leave the doctors office. Daniel did not return to work that day, but took Emily home and stayed in her arms for the rest of the day, never letting her go. How could this happen to them? Emily was 7 months pregnant, everything was almost ready for Berkeley Jane's arrival, not none of that is going to happen. Now what are they going to do?

Two weeks later

Emily and Daniel have had a rough past couple of weeks. The worst part of the passing of their little girl was telling Charlotte who was the most excited for her arrival. The three of them cried on the floor for house the day after finding out the news.

Daniel had to tell his mother, which he really hated to do.  Daniel called her up a week after. "Mom, are you at the manor, I need to talk to you about something?" Victoria could hear the sadness in her sons voice. "Of course Daniel, I am in the pool house. Come on down anytime. Is everything ok?" "I will be down in a minute to explain."

Daniel took his time heading to the Manor. When he finally arrived, his eye were filled with tears and could hardly speak. "Daniel what is the matter? I've never seen you like this." "Mom, can we sit?" Daniel and Victoria sat down on the couch. After a few minutes of Daniel trying to figure out how to tell Victoria, he finally just told her. "Mom, this is hard for me to say, and I really don't know how to say it but, Emily had a doctors appointment last week for the baby. We found out some really sad news. The baby lost its heart beat." There was a minute of silence as Victoria tried to wrap her mind around what Daniel had just told her.

"Daniel, I am so sorry." She told her son, while embracing him in a hug. They stayed like that for a good while. "Mom, what are Emily and I going to do? We had everything ready for her. Her nursery is all set up, everything she needs is in that house, and she is never going to get to use it." Daniel says crying. "Daniel, son everything is going to be ok."

Daniel stayed with Victoria for a good two hours just trying to figure out what to do, until he went home and started to plan the worst day of his and Emily's life. Berkeley's funeral.

I'm so sorry guys It has taken me this long to update! Please don't be mad at me on how the story is going, I am trying to make It more exciting I promise!

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