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Daniel and Emily have been enjoying their time together. Every night brings new adventures. They walk on the beach, go into town, and some day's enjoy them self's.  Emily hasn't been feeling good for the past week so they haven't done anything that exciting. Today they are going into town to visit their town house for a couple of days.

"Hey Danny?" Emily says sickly

"Yes Em- Emily! Are you ok? You look sick?" Daniel says looking at Emily's green face.

"Umm can you pull over? I feel like I am going to be sick."

Daniel pulls over and rushes over to Emily's door in the nick of time. As soon as Daniel opened Emily's door we tossed up this mornings breakfast.

"Em, I am taking you to a doctor when we get into town. You have been sick for the past week and apparently are not getting any better."  Daniel said handing Emily a napkin.

"Ok Daniel. I am not going to argue because I am to tired too." Emily says with a weak smile.

Daniel helped Emily into the town house. They unpacked their belongings and got Emily settled in. Daniel called her doctor and got an appointment set up for that evening.  Daniel decided to make Emily some fresh fruit for lunch to see if that would help her. He went into their room and kissed Emily to wake her up.

"Daniel why are you waking me up?" Emily said with a pale face.

"I wanted to make you lunch but I didn't know what to make so I cut you up some fresh fruit."

"Ok. I was actually wanting some fresh fruit. Did you call the doctor?"

"Yes I did. They said they could see you this evening." Daniel says stealing a piece of fruit.

"Hey! I thought that was for me. I guess I should get in the shower to get this stink off of me." Emily said slowly getting up.

"Ok babe. I will be in the living room if you need anything. Love you!" Daniel says giving Emily a kiss.

"Love you too Danny."

As Emily was getting up she became very nauseous. She ran to the bathroom. After she finished she got in the shower and got ready. She curled her hair, brushed her teeth a bazillion times, and did her makeup to her liking. 

"Em you almost ready?!"Daniel called from the living room.

"Yea! I am coming out now!" Emily tried not to yell to hard.

The Grayson's got in their car and made their way to the doctors office. Daniel filled out he paper work for Emily. They waited for about 15 minutes until they got called back to see the doctor.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Grayson. What brings you in here to see me today?"

"I haven't been feeling that great for the past week. I have been nauseous a lot and I haven't been able to really keep anything down." Emily said with a slight since of amazement.

"Ok. I am going to do some blood work and take an ultrasound. Give me about 10 minutes to get everything ready for the ultrasound. A nurse will be in shortly to take your blood work." The Doctor said with slight concern.

Daniel went up to Emily who hugged her and said " Everything is going to be ok. You are Emily Rebecca Thorne now Grayson for havens sack." Daniel said with a smile.

"Mrs. Grayson are you ready for your blood work?" The nurse said.

"As ready as I will ever be."

The nurse took Emily's blood. "The blood work should be in in the next 15-20 minutes. The Doctor should be in shortly with the results."

The doctor come in 30 minutes later.

"Well the results defiantly found out why you are feeling that way. It look like you are pregnant. About 9 weeks along to be exact. I would still like to do the ultrasound since you are already here."

Emily and Daniel where speechless. They didn't know that they have been pregnant for this long. Victoria is not going to be happy.

"Well you are definitely pregnant. There is a baby Grayson in there. Congratulations. We will schedule an appointment for 3 weeks from now." The doctor said with a smile on his face.

Emily and Daniel didn't know what to say to each other. They are going to be parents.

"Em, I love you." Daniel said kissing her

"We love you to Daniel." Emily said with a smile and kissed him back.


***Hey guys!! Sorry for the wait. I had some what of a stress full couple of days. I hope you enjoy. Comment below what you think. Thanks!!***

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