Chapter 3

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The flight was long, it took 4 hours. Now I was just landing and collecting my bags. I get them all and walk out, calling a taxi. When they get here he helps me put them in his trunk. I then tell him the address of the apartment.

It took half an hour, so I paid him and grabbed my bags then headed to my room. The key was already mailed to me. I was on the 3rd floor. It was the top floor thankfully. I unlock it and walk in. It was a nice and home apartment. It was also decent sized and in good condition. I put everything away and smiled. I hung up some pictures of my childhood. Some of Tony and I then my father and I, my mother and I then all of us.

I hung my clothes up and sat my undergarments and everything else in the dresser. Then I grabbed my purse keys and wallet. I walked out and went to a store a few blocks down and bought a couple groceries. When I was done I hauled a taxi again and went back to my apartment. I put everything away and sat on the couch with a sigh wondering what to do next.

I decided on walking around the City. So I grabbed my things and walked out. Just down the road was a park. People with dogs, kids running about parents talking about their kids. And others on a jog. I come across a cafe that was in between my apartment and job so I went in and got a coffee sitting down in a booth.

I looked around and saw a guy with a cap on, in regular clothes. His face was covered a little bit, but I could see it was familiar. He was only one booth away. When he felt eyes on him he looked up and my eyes met his. He had brown eyes, and I could see a beard and mustache. But those eyes, I knew them. I took a sip of my coffee when my eyes widen. Tony I whispered. Tears came to my eyes.

He looked up more now recognizing me. I let some fall while I froze and ran out leaving my coffee. I knew he was behind me and following me. I looked back and saw him looking around. I put my hood up and walked away, I passed him, since I ran the wrong direction, stupid me. But he was looking where I ran untill he ran into the crowd tears were falling down my face, my heart was beating faster then normal. My heart rate is slower then a normal person's and if my heart picked up like theirs were supposed to be then I could pass out.

But when I got to my apartment I slid down the door as a sob escaped me. Why?? Why did I run away! He was there! Right there!! I stayed crying for what felt like ages. Until I got up and passed out on the couch.

Tony's P.O.V.

I was in a coffee shop, I had to get away from the team and the lab. Lately I have been missing Talia more then usual. I never gave up on her. I always look at a picture of her and I when we were younger. I haven't seen her in almost 8 years. 8 painful and long hears.

The last time I saw her we were on our way to Jarvis's tomb. We wanted to see him. We all missed him dearly. He was like an uncle to me and Talia. I get pulled out of my mind by a pair of eyes on me. My eyes went to the source, and I saw a woman with long brown almost black hair. She had green eyes, like the forest.

My face was half covered since people know I am Iron and and Tony Stark. But those eyes stunned me. They looked familiar, then my eyes widen and I rose my head a little to get a better look. I saw tears fill her eyes as I saw her lips move, it looked like she said my name.

Tears came to my eyes as I realized who it was. "Talia." I say lowly. She got up and ran as I saw tears streaming down her face. I didn't hesitate to run after her. I saw her run into a crowed of people. I tried to look but I couldn't find her so I ran in the direction but I didn't find her.

I went back to the cafe a little sad and confused why she ran. She most likely had to catch up on the fact that we found each other again and I wasn't going to let her go. I blame myself for being in that damn coma that made me miss getting custody of her by a day. ONE day! That's all just one!! And until that day I have still never have given up on her.

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