Chapter 17

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I get to the room, it was away from everyone else, there I saw Nat sitting on a chair, Clint was laying on a bed with restraints on his arms. I sit down next to Nat and lay my head on her shoulder. "It's gonna be alright. He'll be alright." Nat said, "I hope so." She nods slowly. "I haven't slept in 3 days since he has been taking. How are you not tired?"

"I'm exhausted, but this is more important." "By far." I say, "What happens after this? Mass destruction I bet, if we don't stop Loki. How will this get past us?" "Because we have each other to help us." I nod slowly as we heard Clint groan. I move my head off of her shoulder and get up. "It might not be him." Nat said. "It's me, Nat, Baby Bird." I smile as he opens his eyes.

I hug him tightly. Then Nat hugs him. ""Your going to be alright Clint." Nat said, "Yeah say that to my mixed up thoughts and a pounding headache." "Well what are some of your thoughts?" "I can't even right now." He looks at us. "So these can come off then?" Nat nods, we both take them off and he pulls us into a hug. I smile. "Good to have you back Clint your going to be alright." "Yeah." He lets go. "But how do you know I will be alright?" "It's going to take some time." Nat said, "You both don't understand have you ever had someone take your brain out, play with it and stuff it back in putting something else in it? What's it like to feel like you have no control over what you do?"

I look down, "You know I have." Nat said quietly, "I haven't and I can't imagine what it did to you Clint, but I know what it feels like to feel like you have no control on your actions, you know what your going to do but you can't stop yourself from doing that thing or things. But what helps it to talk about it and lean on the people you trust to help put real thoughts, truthful thoughts back in your head." They both look at me, "Damn." Nat said, I chuckled and looked down.

"How did you get him out of my head?" "Cognitive recalibration," I chuckle as he looks at her confused, "I hit you really hard on the head." "How many Agents did I-" "No, don't do that to yourself Clint, you weren't in control. Loki is a monster, and you guys weren't trained to deal with his kind of magic." "Did he escape?" "Yeah." "I don't suppose you know where he went or where the portal is do you?" I asked, "Sorry I didn't care to ask. But he's gonna make his play soon. today. We just don't know where until it's to late. But I guess if I put an arrow through his eye socket I'll sleep better tonight." I chuckle.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower." Clint says walking into a room. "Is there a brush in there? I bet I look like I haven't brushed it my whole life." Clint comes out with a chuckle. "Here." I catch it right before it hits my face. "Thanks." I go up to the glass and brush through my hair. He comes back out all dressed in his suit.

Steve comes in, "We know where he is going, Tony is already on his way. Let's get in a jet quickly." Steve said, "Where?" Nat asked, "New York City. Hurry don't tell Fury get whatever you do, meet in 5 minutes." Then he left. We all walk out, me and Nat stock up on some guns and I, knives. Then we head down to the jets.

We get onto one, "I'm sorry but your not authorized to be down here." An Agent said, I go over to him with a small smile. Then I punch his temple knocking him out. "Damn." Clint said. I roll my eyes, Nat and Clint get in the front, "There are no seats." "Yeah hang on to something." Clint said, "Great." I hang on to the roof along with Steve, it was a long and sturdy pipe.

The jet lifts up and is gone. I almost fall as the jet was tilting back. Steve catches me with one hand. I get my grip again and hold on with both hands. Soon Nat was taking and the jet was shooting at something. Then something hits the jet making it flip. "Oh my god! OH my god!" Our feet lift off the ground as me and Steve hang on for dear life. Then we crash. Oof!" I fall to the ground, "Clint, your never driving a jet again." I groan out. Steve helps me up as they unbuckle.

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