Chapter 22

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I was getting ready to head to the S.H.E.I.L.D. base with everyone. I got dressed into my new and I proved suit Tony built. He said that if someone punches me it absorbs the impact and when I punch them then it puts extra force behind it. It was also indestructible in every way possible.

We all got onto the jet as we made small talk. "What do you think he will say or do? Do you think I'll get fired?" I asked no one in particular. "He'd be an idiot if he did." Clint said, I sighed and sat back, "He wouldn't fire you just because you got pregnant." Nat said, I nod. We land a while later so we all get off and head inside. Fury was waiting there along with Agent Hill. "I didn't call you in." He said to us. "We know I'd like to speak with you Fury, alone please." I say he nods, "Follow me Agent Stark." I wave to my friends and follow him to his office. He sits down at his desk and I across from him.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" I take a deep breath then met his eye. "I'm pregnant sir. With Steve's child. I am 3 and a half months pregnant. But I wanted to tell you that I can still go on missions and train your trainees into I start to show a lot sir. Tony has upgraded my suit to protect me along with the child. I am fine as long as I go on missions with one of the others." I say he doesn't say anything but stares at me.

"Are you starting to show any symptoms of pregnancy?" "Yes, I throw up every morning around 9, and every night around 8." He nods. "Is Mr. Rogers ok with this?" "Yes sir." I nod, "Who's betting what on the child?" "Uhm, Thor, Tony and Nat want it to be a girl. The rest wants it to be a boy." He nods, "What do you think it is?" "Boy." I respond, He nods. "I think it's going to be a girl." I shrug with a smile. I stand up, "Thank you sir." He nods with a half smile. I walk out and head to the training room. There I see Clint, Nat and Steve training with the trainees. No surprise there.

They all greet me as I watch them all train with their partners. I helped a little bit but not much. Around lunch time we ate then went back to the tower. Nat took me to my room and sat me on the bed. "What are you doing?" I ask her as she digs threw my closet. "Tony is throwing a charity party to help the city. It was meant to be a surprise but I couldn't get you dressed in a nice evening dress without questions." "Why would it be a surprise party if it was a charity event?" "That I can't tell you." She says I huff at her. "Go take a shower and don't forget to shave." She hands me a robe and undergarments then pushes me into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I take a long shower then hop out. I dry off then wrap the towel around my head getting dressed in my undergarments. I put the robe on and walked out. Nat had a selection of 3 dresses. "Do I get to choose?" I ask, "No, close your eyes and turn around." I roll my eyes as I do so. "Ok don't freak out because I am putting a dress on you." I nod as I take off the robe. She slips on a dress. It was a sleeveless dress that went down to my feet. That's all I picked up on it.

She guided me more into the bathroom and did my makeup. Then she left and came back. "Pick up your left foot." I felt her put on a heel then she did the other one. She grabbed my hand and took me somewhere, "Ok open." She said. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful dress. The top was a sweetheart neckline with some white then red. The red went all the way down to my waist. Then the white was there on to my knees then it was blue. The blue got darker as it got closer to the ground.

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