Chapter 5

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I gasp as I see him. He was in his casual clothes and he took off the fake beard. I try and compose myself as I look at him. "Hello. Who are you?" I ask nicely with a small smile trying to hide that I was feeling out and trying not to fan girl, but also trying not to freak out because he found where I live and now he will tell Tony.

"You know who I am Talia." "I'm afraid not sir. I just moved here." He sighs and takes something out of his back pocket. He unfolds the paper and holds it up so I see it. "Is this you?" I look at the picture and it was me. "Yes what does that have anything to do with you?" He sighs and takes out another smaller older looking piece of paper.

He then hands it to me. I open it and see Tony and me when we were kids. My breath catches in my throat. "W-where did you get this?" "Your brother Talia. Tony needs you." I pull him inside and look around the hall, no one was there thankfully.

I shut my door and lock it. I then spin around and look at him. "No he doesn't. He has you, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton and Thor Odinson. He already has a new family. He doesn't need me." I say as tears come to my eyes but I don't let them fall.

"No he has been looking for you since the day he woke up from that coma. When he found you a few days ago he was so happy. We all found out about you the day he came home and ever since then we have been looking for you." I nod. "I know I see Clint on the roofs every day. And I see you and Natasha on the streets every morning I head to work." He nods, "We all agreed to help him look for you." "Then why haven't I seem him out!?" I raise my voice as it broke at the end.

"Because he has been a mess, and he has been in the lab trying to track your phone." I sigh. I sit down on the couch and he follows my actions. "Why would he want me when he has you guys?" I ask looking down. He moved closer and bent down to look me in the eyes which made me smile a tad. "Because Talia, your his real family the only thing left of your parents besides their money. And every night we all would sit down and he would tell us about you. And we also know about our powers. We can help you control them." "I already know how."

"We can still help you better. We have equipment that your father never had. Do you know how to fight?" I nod. "Why are you so worried about him not wanting you? Do you not want to be reunited with him?" I shake my head, "No I do it's just that everyone I have ever loved has left me. When I was young, I first gotten these powers and I had a bad feeling on my birthday. Our dads friend was like family to us. His name was Jarvis. And he died from a drunk driver." "Jarvis? That's the name of his AI around the tower." I smile at him. "Yeah Tony warshipped him like he was a God when we were younger."

He chuckles. He had a beautiful laugh. "Oh really?" He asks amused. I nod, "Well we learn something new every day." I laugh. "Does he not share his personal life with you all? When we were kids?" He shakes his head, "Only about you." I nod. "I have lots of embarrassing stories." He smiles, he had the whitest of teeth I was amazed. Then again he is a super soldier.

"Maybe we can change that if you come with me to the tower." I shake my head quickly. "I can't." "Why not? Isn't that why you came here?" I nod, "I'm scared Steve. Yes I came here to find him. But I didn't expect it to be this hard. He was 18 when the accident happened. I was 16. He was in a coma for a month. He gave up on me. Because he never came looking for me. I was taken away."

"He woke up a day after you left. He went to the orphanage, but the lady said you were already gone. You left 12 hours before he came. He was so upset he cried when he told us. He has always beaten himself up about it. He still does today."

Tears slowly fall down my face. "Look, he isn't at the tower until another hour and a half. We can go there and you can meet the team. Get to know them. Please for Tony. He wakes up with nightmares about you. He says that in those nightmares he was so close to getting you but something happened and you either die or get kidnapped or taken from him. So please. Come with me." I look him in the eyes, his hand comes up and wipes my tears away.

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