Chapter 14

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We went out to lunch after we gave Mavis her money then we went back to the tower. I've been in the training room practicing my powers and doing some simulators so I get the gist of what to do and how to do it.

I am in here with Steve, Natasha, Thor, Clint and Tony. We were at a Hydra base. We were at the the gate. "Ok what is the plan?" I ask. "Tony you will watch in the air, Clint you find someplace high so you can see everything, Nat Thor you both go first and tell us where the Hydra Agents are. Me and Talia will follow behind and help if we need to." Everyone nods. Tony flies up in the sky while Clint runs off around the base to find a good tree to climb.

Thor and Natasha walk behind a building. I hide next to the gate were we are covered because of the vines on it. "Everyone on comms?" Steve says.

Clear, clear, clear, clear everyone says. "Ok Natasha Thor what's the status?" "Maybe about 100 guys outside." "Clint?" "I see through a window and see to many to count." "Ok, Tony come join us down here. Let's all go at it together. Clint come back over here and we will join Natasha and Thor." I see Tony flying over and the Cling jogging.

I'm a minute we all were together. "Ok on a count of 3." Steve said. "1, 2, 3 go!" We all run head over. In a second they spotted us and stated to shoot. Steve pulls me behind a car. Fire comes out of my hands as I look at Steve. "Ready?" I take a deep breath and nod. I stand up and fire, hitting 5 men then ducking back behind the car. I grab 2 pistols and cock them.

I stand back up and fire at the same time as Steve throws his shield. He hits at least 20 men. The guns run out of bullets so I drop them grabbing 5 knives and throwing them hitting 5 different men. Me and Steve duck back down again. I hear more fighting then silent. I peak up and see all the men down. I come out and walk towards everyone. Then I hear something behind me I look and see 5 guys sneaking up with guns aimed.

I didn't have enough time to shoot them so I put a force field up in front of us all. I moved in front of them and when they ran out of bullets I blasted them with water knocking them unconscious. I take the force field down and bend over. "Good job." Steve said.

"Was that supposed to be a challenge or whatever?" Steve smiles "We need to rescue all the hostages in the building in under 2 minutes. We are going to plant a bomb at every exist besides this one. Try not to be detected, if you are then try and finish them as fast as you can. We all are goin going into pairs. Tony and Thor you go right, Clint Natasha go left, me and Talia will go straight. Be careful everyone." Steve said.

I look at everyone then we all quietly go in. Me and Steve sneak around until we hear noise coming our way. I look at Steve he was looking around, I grabbed his arm and floated us to the roof with air holding us there. We see 10 men walking down the hall. They pass us and once it's quiet again I float us back down to the ground. I was trying to control my breathing as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Come on." I grab his hand as we quietly jog down the hall. We come across a window so we peak inside and see Hydra men doing some experiments. Steve pulls me down below the window. We slowly move forward, when we are right in front of the door it opens. Steve pulls me back and covers my mouth.

I watch the Hydra man walk further down the hall and turn right down a hallway. I look at Steve as he uncovers my mouth. We quietly but quickly move down the hall to see one going left and one going right. I look at him, "You go left. I'll go right." I look at him, he puts his hand on my cheek, "You got this." Then he ran down the hall. I took a deep breath and begin walking down the hallway. When I come across a door I peak in and see 3 hostages, I don't see anyone in the room so I slip in.

"I got 3." I whisper in my comms. Ok lead them outside, can you teleport them out? Steve said. "I have to see where I'm going to teleport." Ok then just be quiet, remember to plant the bomb in the room. Is there anymore?

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