Chapter 4

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"Talia table 15." A waitress says running into the kitchens. It was lunch rush hour and every table was full, there were people waiting near the entrance for a table. I quickly grab some menus and my notebook and pen.

I quickly walked over there with a small smile. "Hello I am Talia, I'll be your waitress for the day. So, for drinks what can I get you all?" They were a party of 7, there was 3 adults and 4 kids. 2 of them under 3 years.

I looked at the older looking woman, "Um, sweet tea please." I nod writing it down, I then look at the older looking man, "I'll have a beer." I nod again then I look at the 2 parents I am assuming. "I will have a coffee with creamer and sugar, and he will have a beer." I nod, writing it down and looking at the 2 kids. The boy looked to be 10 years old and the girl looked to be around the same age.

"We will also get 2 chocolate milks and 2 kids menus." "Oh and also," I turn back around, "We can be a little crazy and I am sorry for that. Its goin to be hectic. We have 4 more people coming." I nod that explains the 4 empty chairs. "Oh that's fine, don't worry about it." I laugh and walk away. I get all the drinks and balance the 2 metal sheets with the drinks on them and walk over, successfully avoiding falling.

I set one down on the table and move the other from my shoulder. "Ok here are all the drinks." I pass them out and move them out of the way under my arm. "Ok what can I get you 4?" I ask the 2 adults and 2 children. "I would like a Pepsi." The mother said, I nod and look at the father, "Beer please." I nod. "Uhm, root beer." I nod and look at the boy. "Pink lemonade?" "We have strawberry lemonade with real strawberries in it and regular lemonade. "Ohh! I'll try the strawberry lemonade." I nod and leave.

I get the drinks quicky then come back and set them all down. "Ok are we ready to order?" "Yes we are." I nod. "Is this on one bill or 2?" "2." I nod, "Ok what would everyone like to eat?" "I would like the kids chicken tenders with fries." One of the kids says, I nod writing it down, "I want the kids mini corn dogs." Her brother said. The 2 grand parents got a cheese burger with bacon.

The first mom that arrived got a spicy chicken burger with onion rings on the side. Her husband got the BBQ burger with our signature BBQ sauce. Then the 2 kids who arrived first, the girl got a regular bacon cheeseburger with extra mayo. Then the brother got a spicy bacon burger. "Ok that's everyone. Anything else?" I say with a smile. I leave and head into the kitchen. "Big order coming up!" I say pinning the 2 pages on the line so the cookers can see them.

I go to other tables and make sure they are doing good. "Everything still good over here?" I look and see that the mother is low on coffee and the men are low on beer. "More beer and coffee?" I ask, "Yes please." They all say I nod and grab them all walking away. I fill them all up and hand them back to them. I go in the kitchen again, "Talia the food for table 15 is done." I nod and put them all on sheets I balance one on each shoulder with one also on my head. I totally wasn't showing off my waitress skills.

I quickly walk over to my table as people stare at me in awe. When I get to the table the men immediately grab the one on my head. "Thank you." They all smile at me. I pass everything out. And stack the 3 sheets up again. I was slightly out of breath but I was trying to control it. "You are great at your job. How did you do that?" I laugh and look down while shrugging.

"I have been a waitress for a long time. Since I was 15." "How old are you now?" "I'm 22." They nod with a smile. "Well enjoy your food." I smile and walk away. It was my break time so I ate and sat down while drinking water quicky. When I was done I checked all my tables all 5 of the ones that had people were gone. I got a 50 dollar tip with 5 tables put together. Then I cleaned up and went back to the family of 7. Mostly all the plates were gone so I got them out of the way. "Any more drinks?" "Just water for all of us please." I nod and leave.

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