Chapter 6

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I wake up with a start. Looking around I see I am in the Stark tower. Memories come back as I look at the time. It was 2 in the morning. I was only sleeping for a few hours. "Uh Jarvis?"

Yes Talia?

"Is uhm, anyone up?"

Mr. Stark is in the lab. I can tell you the floor number if you'd like.

"Yes please." I get up and walk out to the elevators. The door open to I walk in. When the doors closed I saw a button light up. It was below the garage. Typical Tony. The doors open so I walk out and see a door that needed a passcode. "Jarvis?"

I will tell Mr. Stark you are at the doors.

In a few seconds I see Tony jogging over. He lets me and I smile at him. "Why aren't you sleeping?" "I could ask you the same question." I say walking in. "I have Insomnia." I nod, "Me too." "What are you working on?" He shrugs his shoulders. I roll my eyes with a small smile. It was a Holo gram of a what looked to be like a suit.

"Who's suit is that?" I asked again. He looked at me. "How did you know it was a suit?" I look at him then at the hologram in front of him. "Its right there, Tony. In front of you." I point to it and he looks right at it with a confused look. Then he picks something up and the hologram disappears. "This is all I have done of the suit." He looks at some small gadgets.

"I saw it. It was a suit for a woman. Natasha I'm assuming maybe an upgrade. But the weird thing is that this suit had Red and gold. Why does Natasha's suit have Red and Gold." He looks at me stunned. "I was planning on building a suit for you so you can work with your powers again. I wanted it to see like a surprise, but I guess that's not happening." My eyes widen, "Your making me a suit? That matches yours??" He nods.

I squeal and jump up and down, pulling him into a huge hug. "I can help. Please let me help?" He looks at me, "C'mon, it's bonding time and your not the only one with a high IQ I have an IQ of 185 thank your very much." He smiles at me, "I'm still higher then you." "By one." I say pouting. He smiles at me, "Sure you can help." I squeal and hug him again.

Time passes on and before I knew it Tony was about dead on his feet. It was around noon and we've been working on the suit for hours and hours. The team has brought us both food, and the suit is almost done. Tony was being stubborn and wanted to finish the suit before he went to sleep, I've been trying to convince him that he can make my already awesome suit after the gets some rest.

But he's Tony and very stubborn, just like our dad was. "Tonyyyyyyyyyy." I whined for the hundreth time. "Taliaaaaaaa." I grumble and grab his arm, he tried to resit but with him being almost dead to the world made it easier which Made me overpower him. We got into the elevator and I pressed Tony's floor he was on. When the doors opened I wrapped his right arm around my shoulder while my left arm went around his torso.

The hand that wasn't wrapped around his waist I put it in his hand that was resting on my shoulder, which made it easier. I opened the door and walked in closing it with my foot. I then walked to his bed and sat him down. He was already in sweatpants and a short sleeved shirt. "Do you want your shirt off or on Tony." His eyes were closed and he mumbled. But I did catch the word off.

I took his shirt off and laid him down on one side of the bed. Then I covered him up and stood up. "Good night Tony." I kissed his forehead and turned off his lamp that was on. I stood up and turned around when I felt a hand in mine pulling me back I looked at him. "Where are you going?" "To my room. Don't worry Tony, you'll see me when you wake up. I'm not leaving you ever again." I bent down and kissed his forehead again.

"Can you stay until I fall asleep?" I smile a him, I used to do that when I was little. Ask him to stay, because I was afraid he'd leave me. I was afraid to be alone. I guess I was the reason why he didn't go to bed, if he even went to sleep that is. "Sure." I loved to the other side of the bed and got in, laying down under the covers. He roles over and laid his head on my stomach. "Am I the reason why you have Insomia?" "I worry everyday that your not safe, or that you were even alive." He whispers.

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