Chapter 27

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I see Tony helping Steve out with The Winter Soldier, Tony get whacked in the face by him, making him fly back and hit the side of the burning building. He falls to the ground, pieces of the building fall on top of him, I drop my drink to the floor as it shatters on the ground. A ton of cement just landed on him, Steve looks back to make sure Tony is alright, that's when he gets hit and flies back hitting his back on a car, he falls to the ground next to it. I sob as I watch. Pepper did the same.

I close my eyes again and force myself to put a force field around the 2, making sure they are ok. When I feel their presence in my head I sigh in relief. That means they are still alive. "They are alive." I say to Pepper opening my eyes. She looks at me and nods. I see the cement moving then Tony bursts through it. Steve get's up and goes after The Winter Soldier as he tried to escape. After half an hour The Winter Soldier was gone, the Hydra men were defeated and they were on their way home.

I look at Pepper and sigh, they'd be back home by tomorrow. I laid my head on her shoulder as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "How am I going to be a mother to Captain America? He's going to be gone and going on dangerous missions." "You guys will figure it out I promise. Why don't we try and get some sleep?" I nod, "I dropped my drink and now there is glass all over the floor." I say looking down, "Good thing we didn't take our shoes off." Pepper says, "I'll deal with it you just stay here." I nod as she leaves.

I sigh and close my eyes but I feel a sharp pain in my middle section. I gasp as my hand goes to my lower stomach. "What is this?" I whisper confused, the pain goes away which makes me sigh. Pepper comes back and cleans it up when she leaves to throw it away a sharp pain happened again making me gasp. Pepper comes back, I smile at her through the pain. We get in the elevator and head to our rooms after saying goodnight.

I change into some pajama pants and one of Steve's hoodies. A few minutes later there was another sharp pain making me gasp. "Jarvis are these contractions?" I ask.

What does it feel like Ms. Talia?

"Uhm, a sharp pain. It lasts a few seconds and happens every few minutes."

Yes it is Ms. Talia would you like me to go get Ms. Potts?

"Not yet. W-what do I do?" I ask the light's turn on and I see Jarvis's holographic body come over to me.

Count how many minutes it is apart and how long it lasts.

I nod taking a deep breath, there was pain again, I counted ten seconds then once it stopped I set a timer to see how far apart they were. "13 minutes." I say as another hits me harder then the one before making me groan. "Go get Pepper!" I say as the pain was almost unbearable, it lasted 45 seconds this time. Pepper then runs in coming over to me. "How far apart?" "13 minutes. They last 45 seconds." "Ok call Steve, do you have a diaper bag set?" I nod, "In the closet, it has clothes for me, Amelia-Rose, Steve, a bottle, diapers, wipes, pads, burp rags and whatever." She nods and helps me up, she grabs my phone.

"Thank you Jarvis."

Anytime Talia, I'll see Amelia-Rose when you get home.

I nod with a smile. I dial Steve's number, he picks up on the first ring.

Shouldn't you be sleeping Doll?

I can't. It's time.

Time for what? He asks, we get in the elevator, a contraction hits me making me groan.

THE BABY! SHE'S ON THE WAY! I yell as the pain feels like someone is stabbing me repeatedly.

There was no sound on the other side, but I heard a bang.

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