Chapter 13

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I get pulled out of my memory by a loud beeping noise next to me. I tried to open my eyes but they felt glued together like they have been shut for a while. I move my hand to my eyes and wipe them. I then open my eyes and hiss at the blinding light. I looked around at the familiar place, then as the memories came back I gasped and pulled up the hospital gown. There was a huge piece of gauze on it.

I then felt the pain of it, it wasn't bad but it was enough to make me wince. "Uh, Jarvis?"

Good to see you awake Ms. Talia.

"Where is everyone?"

"They are upstairs eating breakfast, would you like me to send them all down?

"Uh yeah. Thanks." Within a minute I saw everyone running out of the elevator. First to me was Steve. He kissed me softly, then he was pushed by my brother who hugged me. "Ow." I said as he squeezed me. He pulled away quickly. Everyone else hugged me softly. I groaned and laid back down, "How long was I out?" "A week." Bruce said as he did tests.

"Why am I not healed yet?" I asked, "You got shot." Thor said confused. "Yes but water heals me." "We haven't been giving you water." "Why not?" "Because you needed to heal naturally for a few days." Bruce explained. "What did they want?" Nat asked, "My powers. They would shock me every time I didn't talk. Anyways how long was I... gone?"

"2 weeks." "So I missed New Years, what a great start to a new year, am I right?" "We didn't even celebrate it." Clint said I nod. "Can I have water?" Steve gets a glass of water and hands it to me. I drink the whole thing in a minute. "Shouldn't you slow down?" Thor asks. "No." I set the glass down on the table next to me. I feel a wave of pain hit my torso.

I gasped and looked down, I covered up with the bed sheet up to my waist and pulled my hospital gown up and tore off the gauze. I saw the bullet home slowly healing. I formed water in my hands and put some over it. A minute later the water was gone and all that was left was a small scar. I can add those to the other previous existing ones.

I laid back and sighed. "That was cool." Clint said making me chuckle. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. When I woke up again I was alone. "Jarvis what time is it?"

It is 6 pm Ms. Talia.

"Thanks." I got up, noticing all the wires gone. I went to the elevator and went up to the living room, floor 4. I stepped out of the elevator to see everyone watching a movie. "Your watching Titanic without me?" I say, everyone looks at me. "This is like, one of my most favorite movies ever." I go over and plop down on the couch next to Steve. "We just started it." Bruce said. I nod grabbing some popcorn from Steves bowl and popped it in my mouth.

I felt Steve kiss my forehead. "How are you feeling Doll?" I look at him with a smile. "Good." He nods and we continue with the movie. When it was over I was crying along with Thor and Nat. "You guys don't have hearts." I say getting up. I go to the kitchen and make some Mac N' Cheese.

When I was done I put the dishes in the sink and went to the living room, sitting down. "You didn't make us any?" Tony said in disbelief. "No, I haven't had real food since before I was kidnapped. I'm starving." "Don't eat to fast. You'll throw it up since your body isn't used to real food and big portions anymore." Clint said. I frown. "Why do you gotta be right?" He smirks and gets up. "I'll make some Mac N' Cheese for everyone." He gets up and leaves.

I eat slowly and by my 8th bite I was stuffed. "Do you want this?" I ask Steve he looks at me. "You done already?" I nod he takes it and eats some. Feeding me a bite every once in a while. "Want the last bite?" I shake my head. "Nope imma puke if I do." He chuckles and finishes it off. Then he gets some of Clint's. I sit there and watch another movie while they eat.

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