Chapter 9

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We started off with 5 laps around the room, Clint and Nat went to the boxing area while Steve helped me more with punching and kicking. Then we switched. I held the bag as he practiced himself. After a while we all switched. Me and Steve went to the boxing area while the others went where we were.

"Ok I will hold the pads while you try and hit me." I nod as I put the gloves on while he puts the pads on. We get into a fighting stance. "Go!" He said. I throw a few punches, all hitting the pads. Then I kicked them a few times. "Good, good. I'm going to make it harder now."  I just nod.

We begin again and this time he moved with every punch and kick I throw at him. "C'mon Talia I know you can do better then that." Steve said, he was taunting me wanting me to hit my limit. I saw in his eyes that he wasn't being mean he wanted to see me succeed. He spun me around and put me in a headlock. I elbowed him as hard as I could, his hands loosened around me so I spun around and kick his ribs.

He retaliated and ran after me, kicking my ribs, I doubled over and saw him coming after me so I spun around and kicked his ribs but he caught my leg. He twisted me around and pushed. I fell on my back, and kicked his feet from under him. He landed on his back. I quickly got up just as he did and we began at it again.

A while later he had me in another headlock, this time I couldn't escape so I tapped his arm 3 times and he let go. I stepped away breathing heavily. We got down and I went to my water and drank a few small sips. Clint and Nat were there talking. I sat down next to Clint. "You are getting better." Nat said bending over on the bench to look at me.

"Thanks." "Soon we should practice your powers." Steve said sitting next to me. I nod slowly. Powers right, how could I forget the curse that has came upon me. "We also need to practice the knife throwing and guns." Nat said. "How? I don't see a shooting range." She stands up with a smirk and grabs my wrist.

She leads me to a door then opens it. When I walk in I see a few rows of guns along with a few different ranges you could shoot. Clint and Steve came in. "Knife throwing is back here." She leads me to the back of the shooting range and I see different knives and the same setup as the guns. I pick up and knife and chuck it at a dummy 50 feet away.

I then look back at the 3. "Beginners luck?" Clint asked, I rolled my eyes and turned around putting on a few knife holders stocking them with knives. I walk in the shooting range and see at least 30 dummy's. I take a deep breath and start throwing them, I roll and crouch on the ground throwing 2 at the same time, in different directions. I then stand up and spin throwing another 2 while doing front flip. I spin around and throw my last knife right above their heads.

I walk over to them. "Beginners luck?" I ask him laughing at their expression. "Damn." Nat said, "Language please." Steve said I shake my head and walk towards the guns. They follow me. "Are you as good with guns as you are with knives?" "I'm good but not like knife throwing. I know how to shoot and use them."

I shrug picking up an AK-47 then putting on earphones. I aim at a few targets, getting most of them almost in a bullseye. I grab a pistol off of the belt I was wearing and shoot that. I refill the pistol in less then 10 seconds when I am back at shooting it. When that is done I turn around taking the earmuffs off. "Where did you learn all of this?" Steve said as we all walked out. "One of the first families I got adopted into was a nice one for once, well so I thought."

I go over to Clint's bow and arrow, I look at him and he nods. "He taught me how to shoot a gun and how to defend myself." I put on the sheath and grabbing the bow. "Well turns out he was just a bastard who loves playing around with little girls such as I was." I look at them for a few seconds. "The first night he touched me I knew I had to get out so I ran away, lived on the streets of Kansas for a long while." I shoot the arrow hitting the dummy in the torso.

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