Chapter 29

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8 months later everything is going great. Steve went back to work 3 months ago. Amirose can lift her head up, turn over and is so close to crawling. I stopped nursing her 2 months ago. She is a happy, laughing and healthy baby, besides her teething. Today she has a checkup with Bruce, we still don't know if she has superpowers either mine, or Steve's super serum in her.

Me and Steve are doing great, our wedding will be this summer. It's currently December. It's the 21st, Amirose's first Christmas will be in 4 days, I have everyone's Christmas presents, especially Amirose. I go to the lab with Steve as Bruce checked her weight and whatnot along with everything else.

After 20 minutes she was good so we thank him and head back up to the living room with him. Everyone sits on the couch watching a movie while I lay on the ground next to her. She was on her stomach playing with some toys. I gave her, her pacifier when she started whining. I grab a few toys of her, she takes one and stuffs it in her mouth setting the pacifier down and chewing on a noisy toy.

She hasn't said her first word yet. I lay my head on my arm on the ground watching her, she looks at me,takes the toy out of her mouth and tries to hand me it but it falls and hits my temple. My hand flies to my head, I had an instant headache. I groan sitting up. "You alright?" Clint asks across the room in a chair, grabbing the attention of everyone else, "No, my daughter hit me in the head with a toy." I had my eyes closed, someone comes over to me, I open an eye and see Steve.

"Are you alright?" I nod, but wince as my head pounded. "Guys look." We hear Nat say. Steve moves and sits next to me, we watch Amirose sit up, look at my hand on my head, roll on to her tummy, move her knees under her, and crawl. I gasp, Steve whips out his phone and starts recording her. She slowly makes her way over to me. Crawls in-between my open legs and sits in front of me.

I smile at her, "Good job Amelia-Rose!" I say laughing and clapping. She giggles at me to. I smile and hug her. I take her hands and help her stand now she was my height. I kiss her cheek, then I tickle her making her laugh. Which makes everyone laugh. I sit her back down and she slowly crawls away. I look at Steve who ended the video. He sat next to me again. "Do you need anything for your head?" "Yeah can you get me some Advil?" "Yeah." He kisses my cheek then gets up and jog outs.

"That was exciting." Clint says making me laugh. He comes back a few seconds later with some medicine and a cold glass of water, I take the medicine, Bruce plays the movie, I watch Amirose play until she comes over and sits down on my lap. I bounce her while she sucks on her pacifier. After a few minutes she wasn't moving so I looked and saw her sleeping. I slowly got up and laid her in her swing.

Before I knew it, it was 9pm. Steve laid Amirose down, I was in the living room with Nat and Clint. "So how is she sleeping at night?" Clint asked, "Good, some nights she won't fall asleep. You guys seriously don't hear her screaming and crying throughout the night?" "No we don't hear anything." "Good, because the last few nights she hasn't wanted to fall asleep." "Well if you and Steve need a night out me and Clint, even Tony can watch her for a day and night." Nat said, I nod, "Thanks we might need that soon." I say with a smile.

I then feel hands on my shoulders, I look up to see Steve. "I'm going to take a shower and then go to bed." I nod, he hands me the monitor and kisses my forehead and leaves. "Want a beer?" Clint asked, "I won't drink while I have her." "So you wont ever drink again?" Nat asked, "Well I will when she is older." "How about a sip?" Clint says with the cold beer in his hand. "1 sip only." He nods, I take the beer and take a big sip handing it back. "Thanks." He nods taking a sip himself.

"So when's the wedding?" Nat asked, "In 3 months. Almost everything is planned we just need the dresses and suits. The planning has been great a lot of thanks to you and Pepper." Nat smiles. "You have a maid of honor yet?" "No remember Clint will be the man of honor, remember?" I ask say with a smile, "Oh yeah." "How could you forget that?" Clint says with a happy smile on his face. She rolls her eyes with a smile. After a few more hours I head to bed, hugging both of them.

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