Chapter 10

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I wake up and run to my bathroom. I barely had time to lift the seat up before I threw up, I fell to my knees as I did. Then my hair was getting held back. Steve rubbed my back, when I stopped I sat back on my feet, just a few minutes later. Tears were falling down my face as my throat stung. "Here." He handed me a cup of water, I swished it in my mouth and spat it out.

I saw the bile and gagged, making myself throw up again. My hand searched where the handle to flush with and once I did I flushed the toilet still gagging. After a few minutes I took a sip of the water again. I slowly stood up, putting the seat down and  sitting on it. I saw Steve crouch in front of me, he had a piece of toilet paper.

I looked at him holding my head, the tears slowed down now. He wiped my cheeks, mouth and chin. Then he threw it away. "I'll get you some medicine." I barely nodded and winced putting my head in my hands to try and stop the spinning. He was back in a minute, "Here." He sat the pills in my hand and gave me the cup of water.

I took the medicine and drank all the water. "How bad was I last night?" "Pretty bad, you had 7 shots." "The last thing I remember was talking to some guy reporter, he asked all these questions, the last one he asked caught me off guard, it was uhm," I think for a few minutes, "If I planned on joining the Avengers and if I was training. I didn't answer so he took that as a yes, then he asked what I can do, if I had any powers."

"Why would that matter?" "Because one of the things my father said frequently was if anyone found out about them I would be hunted and be experimented in. Him asking that made me question of being an Avenger was what I really wanted." "Do you want this life? MY kind of life?" "What is life?" I ask again. He crouches down next to me and puts one hand on my knee and the other on my chin to bring my head up to look at him.

"Life is love, family, heartbreak, sadness. It can be cruel, but this, what I do, what we all do is help save it, we save innocent lives and make the world a better place to live in. You can live any life you want to live and if it isn't this one, then that's ok."

I smile at him as I get tears in my eyes. I hug him tightly, "Thanks Steve." "Your welcome." I pull away a few minutes later. "So what are we doing today?" I ask, "I don't know, how do you feel?" "Good, better then 10 minutes ago." He laughs. "Let's get something to eat. I'll meet you at the elevator on 5 minutes." I nod and he leaves.

I get up and change into a cute pink top with ruffles on it that showed a sliver of my stomach. I then put on high waisted skinny jeans with some converse. I brushed my hair and threw it in a pony tail, it was still curly from last night and it looked cute. I re did my makeup then walked out with my phone. I went to the elevators, a minute later Steve was heading towards me in some jeans with a white shirt that was really tight.

You could see all of his muscles, he had an 8 pack, and damn. I looked down as he approached me. "Ready?" "Yup." We go in the elevator and head down to the garage. "What time is it?" I asked, "11." I nod. He opens the truck door so I hope in. He gets in the drivers side, we buckle up and he is off. We get to the little café, he opens the door for me which makes me smile.

We walk in and sit down. We order our drinks and some breakfast. When it gets here we eat and talk about everything and anything. "So I'm paying this time?" I ask as I grab the bill. "Nope." "Please." "No." "Why?" "Because I was raised that all men pay for the meals." "Steve just this once." He looks at me, I give him my best puppy dog eyes. He looks down trying to say no. "Please it's not that much." He sighs. "Is that a yes?" I ask hopefully, "Fine. One, just this once." I smile as I pay. I set the cash on the check.

"I'll be right back." He nods and I get up and head to the bathroom. When I get back I grab my purse and Steve gets up too. We start heading out. "Oh and here by the way." He hands me some money. "Your an as-" He raises his eye brows with a smirk. "An arse. Your an arse." "Girls never pay for meals. That's how I was raised." "I know and it's excruciatingly painfully painful sometimes." He chuckles as he opens the door.

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