Chapter 20

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"How about we get stuff for sundaes later with your mom and dad?" "Yeah!" They cheered, we went to the store and I bought all kinds of things to put in it. I quickly shot a text to Clint saying we were coming home, on the way there my phone dinged. "Cooper do you mind seeing who text me?" I handed him my phone, "No not at all."

"It says, ok see you soon from Clint." I smile and take it back, "Thank you." We got to their house so we all got out. Cooper and Laura grabbed the bags. "I can take them?" "No we got them." "Ok." I say walking ahead and opening the door for them. We walked passed the living room to see Clint and Laura cuddling on it. "Go put your things in your room." They each grabbed a bag leaving me with the 3 bags of things for sundaes. "If one of you has my shirt please put it on my bed." I yelled up the stairs.

Clint and Laura came in the room. "I swear to god I find anything, and I mean anything, I am kicking both of your butts." They roll their eyes, "What's this?" "Stuff for sundaes later." I take the things out. Laura takes care of them. "Did you both at least have a good time?" "Great time!" Laura said with a smile, I gag. She hits my shoulder gently. "You know when you have a kid I better be the god father." "Nah Bruce will be the god father." He gasps and hits my shoulder, I laugh and look down.

"Well I'm glad you 2 had the time of your lives, cause I feel bad for Ya'll when they get the sugar high later." "That's ok." Laura says. "So it's 3 pm and I am not hungry at all what are we going to do?" "I don't know we'll have to talk to the kids." "Talk to the kids about what?" Cooper said coming down the stairs with Lila. "What do you guys want to do?" "Can we go on a horse ride?" "Sure! Talia?" Clint asked, "I don't mind, who am I riding with?" "ME!!" Lila and Cooper yelled.

"I can ride with one on the way there and one on the way back." "Rock, paper, scissors?" Lila asks Cooper, "Best of 3." Cooper agrees. In the end Lila wins, making Cooper pout. I laugh throwing an arm over Lila and walking out while talking. On the ride me and her talked about a lot of things, people from her school, boys wanting her just to get in her pants and because she is Hawkeye's daughter. Then we arrive at the cliffs.

We all sit down and talk, around 7 we went back home. Me and Cooper talked about girls, school, his crush which was very interesting. Then when we got home. Clint took out the grill and started to cook some burgers. I helped Laura make some fries, they were home made. We came out and saw it was getting dark so Clint started a bomb fire, and turned on his car lights. When the food was almost done I helped take out the things we would need, like ketchup and mustard, pickles, lettuce. I handed Clint the cheese so he could put it in and it would melt.

Then it was done so we all grabbed a burger and some fries sitting at the bench outside. "Darling would you like a small glass of wine?" Laura asked me, I shake my head frantically, "No thank you." She rolls her eyes and huff with a smile. Clint hands me an opened beer. "Thank you." We all ate while listening to country music. "Dad can you help me shoot a bow and arrow?" Lila asked, "Sure." He got up with her and took turns shooting with Cooper to. Me and Laura took care of dinner.

"Talia come over and shoot a few!" Clint yelled. I stopped talking with Laura, "Go ahead." I smile, setting my beer down and running over. He handed me the sheath and then the bow. I got an arrow ready and shot it, hitting the bullseye. "Good job, back up." He said, I took a few steps and shot again, hitting the bullseye once again. I kept backing up until I could barely see the yellow spot since I was back so far.

"Come on!" They all yelled. I smiled, got ready, and shot. "Barely got the bullseye." Clint said once I ran over and saw it barely hit it. "Wow your good." Cooper said, "I learned from the best." I say with a smile. We all gathered around the almost dim fire. "Wanna head inside and make some sundaes now?" I ask, "Sure." We put the fire out and went inside. We got the things ready and got out ice cream. We sat in the living room eating it.

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