Chapter 21

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2 months later. The city is better now, the news of me and that family passed which I am thankful for. I've been going on a few missions now. We got off leave of absence after 3 weeks. It has been officially a year since I moved here. Steve's birthday is in a week. I don't know what I am getting him yet. He is on a mission with Tony and Clint right now.

Thor came back about 4 days ago. Steve and the others should be back in a few days which gives me time to think on what to get him. I was laying in bed deciding what to get him when I ran to the bathroom and threw up. After a few minutes I got up and rinsed my mouth. I took a shower and dressed in some jeans and a blue top with ruffles and off the shoulder. I curled my hair s little bit and did a natural look for my makeup. I out on some wedges and walked out. I went to the kitchen, "THOR I AM STEALING A POP TART!!" I yelled he was in the room in a second.

"No." I turn around, "Please I need something small, I threw up a few minutes ago." He frowned, "Fine only because you are sick." I smiled weakly at him and grabbed one putting it in the microwave for about 20 seconds. Then I sat at the table and ate slowly. I only ate half of a pop tart when I stopped. I threw that away and went back in my room. Only half an hour later did someone knock on it. "It's open!" In came Nat, she came over and sat down on my bed. "Are you alright?" "Yeah I think I ate something bad." "Why?" "I threw up when I woke up this morning and I only ate half a pop tart."

She nods and gets up then leaves. I lay down in the bed and turn on a random movie. Just 5 minutes later there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" Nat comes back and sits in the bed. "Here." She hands me a box. I sit up and look at it. "A pregnancy test?!" I gasp, "When was the last time you had your period?" "Uh...." She nods with a smile. "Go!" I walk into the bathroom and take the test. There would be words that popped up, pregnant or not pregnant.

I had to wait 10 minutes so when I was done I sat it on the counter and walked out. She set a timer for 10 minutes. It was silent as I was bouncing my leg. "It's alright you both want kids." "I know but we wanted them in a year or so." "Well that just means you may get a kid sooner." I nod, the rest of the time it was silent until her timer on her phone went off. We both get up an head into the bathroom. I take a deep breath and pick it up.


I gasp as I look at the words, my head whips to Nat, tears fell from my eyes. She smiled and hugged me. "When are you going to tell him?" She asks I shrug my shoulders. "I'm gonna get tony in here first." "Ok." She says with a smile. I grab the test and sit on m bed. "Jarvis-"

Mr. Stark is on his way Ma'am

"Thank you Jarvis. What do you think his reaction will be?

I don't know

Then there was a knock. "Come in!" Tony opens the door and walks in. He comes over and sits on my bed. "Why does it look like you've been crying?" "Cause I have." "Are you alright?" I smile, "I'm more then alright." He looks at me confused. "Close your eyes Tony." He gives me a look. "Please?" He sighs and closes his eyes. I say the pregnancy test on his lap. He opens his eyes and looks down.

He gasps as he sees what it says. "Your? With Steve's?" I nod with a smile. "Oh my god! I'm going to be an Uncle!" He yelled hugging my tightly. I laugh, "Your not mad?" "Hell no!" I laugh at his response. "His birthday is next week I am going to give him this as a present." He smiles and hugs me. "Don't tell anyone the only person that knows is Nat and that's because she thought of it." He smiles and nods then leaves. I put the test into a cardboard box and wrap it, I stuff it in the back of my closet along with his other present.

Around 7 pm they arrive back. We all hang out, Nat and Tony giving me looks everyone once in a while.


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