Chapter Ten: The Truth About Love

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Well.. Well... Well... We meet again. Dear everyone, here is my next chapter a day after the last updated chapter. It's a new record. Hooray! *confetti* I love this chapter and I hope you will too. Love you all,

~Soli (wateruwaiting4) xoxo



"Because we are destined to be together." He whispered, almost inaudibly, but I had heard it.

"Wait... What?" I asked confusion crossing my eyes as he stared back at me with regret.

"I mean..." He tried to take back what he just said but I slowly shook my head.

"What do you mean destined?" I asked, frowning at him.

"Crap." He mumbled.


Sorin didn't answer me as I continued demanding him for an explanation as to why he had said that. The only reason why I'm actually fussing about it is because the tone he used while those words slipped from his mouth was down right serious. He wasn't joking and he was NOT saying it in a flirting way. He had stated a plain fact out in front of me.

"Damn it, Sorin! Tell me why you said that we are destined to be together!" I yelled slamming my fists into the couch, growing frustrated with his nonsense. Sorin just stared at me with wide eyes full of desperation and regret. "If you don't tell me right now, I swear to all the worlds in this universe, that I will leave you here and I will never utter another word to you. Ever." I threatened.

Sorin shook his head. His lips shut tight, refusing to answer my question. Is it really that hard that I have to threaten to disappear. I huffed. My stress level hitting an all time high. I jumped to my feet and off the couch, giving Sorin one last meaningful look of disappointment. "Goodbye." I sternly said, stomping out of his living room into the direction of the front door.

I reached out for the door knob. Before opening it, I turned to see if he had followed, but there was no one there. Tears pricked at my eyes at the thought of being left alone. I guess I was always meant to be a loner. I turned back toward the door and pushed it open a burst of cold October breeze winding my hair in all directions.

Stepping onto his front porch, a streak of black passed by my side and then I saw Sorin standing in front of me with his hands shoved in his pockets, his head hanging low avoiding my eyes that are still filled with utter sadness. "Layla..."

"Don't say my name!" I yelled at him the tears I had held back a mere second ago streamed down from my eyes. He lifted his eyes to meet mine. "You let me walk out. Do you know what that means? You didn't care enough to even stop me!" I was shaking from how upset and angry I was with him right now. How could he have watched me just get up and leave? Did he not care about me?

"I do care about you?" He protested against my thoughts. Wait, he protested against my thoughts?! I saw his eyes grow wide again. "Shit. Why do I keep doing this?" He grumbled under his breath.

"Y-you can read my mind?!" I stuttered. He took a step toward me reaching out to touch me, but I followed his movement and stepped away from his hand. "What are you?" I narrowed my eyes at him. I touched my hand to my cheek my eyes opening with shock. "Is Melanie the same thing? If you aren't human then what the hell are you?"

"Layla, let me explain." Sorin pleaded taking another step toward me. This time I wasn't fast enough to step away from him as he suddenly appeared behind me and slid his arms around my waist.

"Let go of me!" I struggled to get free. "You're a liar!" I yelled. I spun me around to face him and out of no where Sorin pressed his lips onto mine. I went limp in his arms as a rush of warmth flooded my body and I relaxed. He pulled away. "You have an hour to explain to me what's going on?" I said, giving him the chance to mend his mistakes.

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