Chapter Seventeen: Beds Aren't Only Used For Healing

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Yuppp! Here you are my lovelies. Enjoy it while it lasts. I hope you don't think what I'm doing is random, trust me you'll understand soon. Tell me what you think and remember to give some super helpful feedback. I know I'm not perfect, no one is. 

I dedicate this chapter to my dearest friend and fellow supporter/writer/mallet player, Oo7CircusKitten7oO for reading my story. She is an amazing writer! NO LIE! I cross my heart that if you read her work you will NOT be disappointed. Click her name up there in the corner ^^^ and read some of her work. Trust me, she's like a drug and you won't be able to pry yourself away from her words. Enjoy!

 ~Soli (wateruwaiting4) 


Loki was being a complete douche bag! We've been training for five hours straight, no rest, well only when I fell face first into the mud and refused to get up until I was fed. Good times. Those nice moments are long gone by now. Loki is coming straight for me in wolf form, his silver eyes glowing with pure anger. Why is Loki mad, you may ask. The story kind of goes like this.

Having been fed up with Loki's intense work out and training exercises, I gave up on his efforts and sat on the mushy green grass with my arms stubbornly crossed over my chest. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He roared, causing an involuntary squeak to escape my lips. I had given him my 'What-do-you-think-I-am-doing?' look and continued diligently ignoring him. 

"If you don't answer me when I'm talking to you, I will hurt you!" He growled even louder, his past position of Alpha leaking out of the surface a bit. This infuriated me because I was leader with Sorin now, not him! I glared openly in his direction. 

Lesson Number One: Don't challenge an enraged wolf, whose anger is already sky-rocketing. 

I easily broke that rule once my mouth decided to open. "I want to see you try."

Loki's eyes flashed gold as a menacing snarl ripped through his throat and his body burst into the shape of a giant gray wolf. I shivered, crawling backwards in fright. Shit.

I flew onto my feet racing back in the direction of the pack house where I was sure to find safety. Instead, I was thrust into a tree by an enormous claw-equipped paw. I soared through the air smashing my arm into the rough texture of the tree trunk. A sharp pain shot through my arm and I cried out from the intolerable agony. I glanced down at my arm and there it was, soaking in crimson blood and twisted in an unnatural angle pointing backwards. I winced at the gruesome sight, knowing that my arm was definitely broken. 

Snapping out of my shocked daze, I finally noticed the grunts and growls coming from behind me. Turning, I find Loki fighting off a medium sized wolf with fur the color of mud and sticks. I frowned. It wasn't Loki who broke my arm then? 

I watched as the quick rogue swiftly nipped at Loki's legs trying to get him worked up. Instead of losing his head, Loki dodged each pathetic attack and waited patiently for the right moment to... Snap! His jaws clamped down around the poor wimpy wolf's neck and he instantly slumped in Loki's jaws. Dropping the lifeless form on the muddy ground, the wolf turned back into his human form, an ugly, skinny boned old man with shaggy hair. 

Loki padded up next to me and sat down. He sniffed my arm then licked it with a concerned whine. I winced as his tongue made contact with my contorted limb. Hop on. Loki instructed as he lied down in front of me on his belly. Not wanting to start up a new fight, I obliged and carefully climbed onto his furry back. With one hand, I clutched tightly to a patch of his fur and held on for dear life as Loki started the walk home. 

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