Chapter Two: Sorin Hollow-The Hot and Sarcastic One

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@cindylouy for being the first to vote on my story. Here is my second chapter. I know the chapters are short, but trust me they'll get better. Hope you enjoy! :3



1.    Sorin Hollow

2.    Loki Skyye

3.    Dimitri Hollow (Has a date.)

4.    Eli Forrester

5.    Jonathan Love

Walking to my Physics class, I ran into Melanie in the hallway. She was at her green locker that was at one side of the wall surrounded by other lockers. She was bent over reaching in for something, a red binder for her next class. I approached her, tapping her on the shoulder to grab her attention. Melanie turned and gave me a straight lipless smile. I proceeded to tell her that I had attempted to ask Dimitri, but he claimed to have a date already. She didn’t seem too bothered; all she did was nod slowly staring at me with her usual bored expression. After deciding I’ve bothered her enough about the situation, I quickly waved goodbye and scurried off to my next class, where Sorin Hollow (Dimitri’s fraternal twin brother) would be as well, to avoid being marked as late by my overly enthusiastic teacher.

Sorin Hollow was Melanie Scotch’s first crush in the ninth grade. She was insane about him, writing love notes, sappy poems, doodling their names in her notebooks, and, worst of all, stalking him. No, I don’t mean those fake Twitter/Facebook stalk attempts people do these days, I’m talking full out following him after school when he walked home alone, creating a shrine dedicated to him in her closet to worship his hotness, joining EVERY club he joined, and, creepiest of all, mapping out her life with him as her future husband (Everything from the color of their house to the color of their children’s vomit). I’m hoping she’s over him already, but according to yesterday’s pep talk she isn’t, meaning if Sorin says “no” the outcome will be inevitable.

I stumbled into the class, my teacher eyeing me questionably as he resumed speaking to a student about an unresolved dilemma. The bell rang signaling that anyone who wasn’t in class was late or skipping. I breathed a sigh of relief, but noticed it was too soon to be relaxing. I glared at the person sitting in my desk with his legs thrown over the desk as if this was his living room; Sorin Hollow. I fumed, stomping my way over to his cocky ass group of friends, pushing them rudely out of the way in order to confront my new found enemy.

He raised an eyebrow at me curiously as I crossed my arms over my chest ready to tell him off. I met his eyes, his black, sexy, dreamy, dark eyes. Stop complimenting him Layla he’s in your seat! A smirk crawled onto his smug little face, which only kindled the flame burning inside me. He flipped his black hair out of his face causing my heart to slightly flutter in my chest. I curse his godly looks. “Hey Layla.” He said with a husky voice, my mouth was as dry as the Sahara desert. He continued, his smirk growing from my reaction. “Do you need something?” That line was enough to snap me back to reality. This punk is sitting in my seat!

Quickly, I replaced my angry face with a sweet smile and warm, glowing eyes, leaning over the desk. “Yes. As a matter of fact, I do.” I said softly. Sorin leaned in toward me making our faces only inches apart. An odd urge to close the gap flooded over me, but I fought it, continuing. “You’re in my seat.” I said with a flat bitchy tone. “You. Need. To. Move.” I waited as he stared at me still smirking. “Now.” I growled between clenched teeth. Sorin laughed. Laughed, I tell you! He pulled me by my wrist, his lips close to my ear.

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