Chapter Twelve: Lost Memory-Take Me

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Hey!! Here's Chapter 12! The end is kind of intense, so if you are not into reading about all of the Humpty Dumpty stuff happening down there then I warn you to stop when they get to the bed room. There's some important information in this chapter and a flash back that just breaks my heart, but that's the way her life goes and i'm not about to change it. Have fun reading! Comment. Vote. And if you're feeling generous fan. Love you all. Sorry if comes out short... I wanted to upload at least something for you all to enjoy. <3

XOXO Soli (Wateruwaiting4 go read. ;D)



I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. "Uh huh." I hugged Crystal to my chest. "Now are you going to explain to me why all you werewolf butts keep talking crazy stuff like that little boy. I mean, asking me to teach him moves, what is that?" I pet Crystal's fur angrily, hating being this clueless of everything.

"Well, Memy can explain that much better than I can." Sorin said, facing his younger sister with a smile. She brightened, scooting closer to me before speaking.

Her black eyes glowed with happiness as she began the tale. "Around 15 years ago, when you were turning into your first year of age, a grand war erupted between our pack and our greatest rivals, Henry Bane's pack. At first, all seemed well, until the truth dawned over our pack: We were terribly outnumbered..."


We were terribly outnumbered. Our numbers were decreasing faster than we expected they would. Lifeless bodies of wolves littered the forest floors. Blood stained the bark of almost every tree, every individual blade of grass, and every wolf participating in the battle. The sky was a dark shade, death was all anyone saw. Hope was dwindling by a small flame; a flame burning inside the heart of Rachel Locke, your mother.

Her power to change the future was the only possible way our pack could win this disturbingly unfair war of hundreds vs thousands. Rachel was hoping with all her soul that her pack would be able to find the strength to fight this battle on their own because she knew that she was weak at her age of 534 and if she intervenes her light could possibly burn out.

She had big hopes for the pack, but when Rachel watched a rival wolf rip into the flesh of her mate, Tyrune, your father, she made her decision. Even if death were to drag her into the darkness, Rachel used her remaining energy to cast a spell over her pack to give them the upper hand. The only thing stopping her from doing so was the thought of leaving her adoring daughter behind. Her soul didn't let her vulnerable little girl without a mother or father.

To avoid making her daughter an orphan among the pack, Rachel took the time to call up some past relatives, whom happened to be mortals. Once she was sure you were completely safe and far from harm's way, Rachel cast the spell. A cloud of purple swirled in the dark sky, swallowing the despair with it and surfacing the sun over the gruesome battlefield. Rachel's body radiated a glowing lavender aura as the spell went to work. The pack's strength doubled and soon the dead wolves lying motionless on the ground were no longer ours, they were Bane's.

As the spell ceased, Rachel's life found its end. Her body slammed into the soft grass; she was dead. The war was over soon after Rachel's death and our pack howled to the heavens, mourning their grief to the glorious moon. Both their Alpha's were now gone and the power would have been passed down to you once you were old enough, but you were already miles away in a different country. Instead, the Alpha position was passed down to the Beta, Gary Skyye, Loki's father. The mourning howls of our pack filled the ears of all creatures surrounding our territory and our heads bowed in respect to our former Alphas as they were buried within the ground. It was a glorious and depressing day for the pack. We all learned how strong love could be. The love for a pack that tried with all their hearts to fight the evil and in turn was rewarded with the cost of a life.

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