Chapter Sixteen: Fairy Training

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Enjoy! It's not very eventful, but it's just to show you a few things about her fairy background. Hope you enjoy. ^w^

~Soli (Vote, comment, or fan if you liked it.)



“You’re the best, Layla. You’re compassionate, understanding, and you will be the greatest leader this pack has ever witnessed. I’m proud to call you my friend.” Jonathan expressed. I held back tears of joy as I tightened my hold around him.

“I don’t know what I’d do if I hadn’t met any of you guys. I think I would have been lost forever, wondering why I felt empty inside.” I said. He finally released me from his grasp and held me out at arms length.

“It’s getting late, Layla.” He pointed out gesturing to his window showing the darkness from outside. I nodded, understanding what that meant. It was time for bed. “Go find Sorin and get yourself a good night’s sleep. You’ll be having a big day tomorrow.” He hugged me one last time, before letting me walk away into the halls to search for Sorin. I wonder what he meant by “big day”?


“Are you ready to go?” Sorin placed his hand on the small of my back once I was fully dressed and showered. I gave him a duck face for asking me such a ridiculous question.

“I’m about to meet a fairy. Don’t rush me. What if the guy thinks I’m a disgrace for being half werewolf?” I pushed Sorin away, seriously rethinking this whole situation. I don’t want to be looked down on as a piece of scrap that ran away from her past all those years ago, even if I had no control over it. It was my mother who thought it was best I was kept in the shadows. I have to admit. I am scared to meet an actual fairy, face to face. He’s probably really strong or maybe he’s a witty bitty wimp type of person, either way, I’m a bit nervous.

“Trust me. You have to find some confidence. How many people so far have come to you just to tell you that you’re a horrible person?” He poked my side, causing me to move away from his finger. I opened my mouth to answer, but closed it again. “That’s right. No one.” He beamed. I rolled my eyes and strolled over to the bed, taking a seat.

“They might not have said it to my face, but they sure as hell might be talking crap behind my back.” I fell back on to the bed, thinking this through. What do I have to lose? If I meet the guy, doesn’t mean he’s going to kill me. Unless, he’s some kind of secret spy who has been ordered to murder me by some ex-con’s commands. I sat up again, looking over at Sorin who ran a hand over his face. “Fine, I’ll go. Just… don’t ditch me this time.” I proposed, standing up and walking to Sorin’s side.

He scooped my hand into his. “I’ll be there the whole time.” He promised, squeezing my hand in reassurance. He led me out the door, down the stairs, and into the yard. We’re off to see the fairy, the magical fairy of Oz.

“We’re here.” Sorin announced once we reached the yard of an old cottage house in the middle of the forest. Vines grew from its walls, and the path that led to the front door was small and made of cobblestone. There was an endless supply of flowers, of all types, planted in the yard: Daisies, sunflowers, tulips, roses, forget-me-nots, and many more. It was amazing how big they were and that there wasn’t even one that was withered or wilting, they were taken good care of.

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