Chapter Eight: The Perfect Dress-The Mesmerizing Wings

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My mom placed the beautiful chiffon dress in my arms. The fabric soft against my skin, was a peach color and I couldn't help, but smile when I noticed the little petals decorating the heart shaped strapless dress. The petals were scattered across the dress as if they had fallen down the length of it. I was stunned at what a perfect choice my mother made for me. "Thanks, mom." I pulled her into a hug. "You're the best!" I exclaimed. She giggled and pulled away from me holding me out at arms length.

"Don't thank me just yet." I stared at her in confusion.

"What?" I asked as she got off the bar stool and left the kitchen. When she returned a black shoe box was in her hands. "You bought me shoes, too?" My mom nodded and stretched the box out toward me. I took it, gratefully. "Where did you get the money for all of this?" I asked, knowing that my mom has been facing some problems at work and has struggled to bring sufficient funds for our family. Since my dad was laid off and is still searching for a job my mom has to work almost all day to earn us some kind of cash for food and clean clothes.

"Oh. That shouldn't matter. I know how much you care for Halloween. You like it better than your own birthday and Christmas combined!" My mom joked elbowing my side playfully. It was true, Halloween is very important to me.

"Alright then." I popped off the top from the shoebox and gazed down at a pair of gorgeous peach heels that perfectly matched my dress. "Thanks, mom." I gushed. She was just a sweetums! I love her sooo much!

Suddenly, I heard sobbing coming from where my mother was standing. I switched my attention from the shoes to her and found that she was, in fact, crying. I jumped off the stool and came to her side in a hurry. "What's wrong?" I asked, worry lining my voice. My mom never cried, she was always the strongest in my family, always sticking up for the rest of us.

"Y-you're g-growing up-p sooo fast!" She explained, stuttering because her lip was shaking from all the emotions that were running through her right now. She continued, sniffling. "Soon, you'll be leaving to college and finding someone to marry and when you do you won't have time for little ol' me anymore. I'll be your past, nothing more." A tear slipped out of my eye as I looked down at my mom. So lonely, fragile, and vulnerable.

I pulled her to me, stroking her hair with reassurance. "I'll never forget you! You are not my past! You are a combination of my past, future and present. Something that no one else can ever be. I love you and if I have to, when I move out I promise I'll visit you EVERY weekend." I proposed, hoping she'll calm down soon.

Her sobs slowed down and her shoulders relaxed. When I let her go, she was smiling. "Really?" I nodded, unable to bare seeing her hurt EVER again. "I love you!" She kissed my forehead and I squeezed her one last time. "Goodnight, honey." She said.

"Good night." I walked up the stairs toward my room on the second floor.

A flawlessly beautiful girl was standing in front of me. I couldn't see her face, but just by looking at her exposed skin I knew she was the prettiest girl the world has ever seen. Her skin a porcelain white, making her look much like a vintage glass doll seemed to sparkle amongst the snow. Her hair a bright strawberry blonde that fell over her shoulders and covered her naked chest. She was smiling, I could tell by the way her cheeks were pulled up. Then, she lifted her face from beneath her arm and I met her eyes. Golden and strong. Soon, everything faded to black.

A high piercing beeping noise interrupted my dream. I searched for the devilish creature who dared to disturb my slumber and found my alarm clock flashing evilly on my bedside. Curse you alarm clock! I chanted in my head. I swatted the clock off the table and it hurled toward the ground, smashing in half, the annoying sound dying out. Shit! Now how am I supposed to wake up on other school days. That's when it hit me. Today is Saturday. Why did my alarm go off? This fact made me even more angry. I grit my teeth in annoyance. Dammit!

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