Part 3

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They are making me choose without knowing what fate I’ll choose.” I gulp, and glance at the doors. “There’ll be no going back once I choose. What do I want? Hawk, human, or stay with what I am?” As soon as I thought about it, I was certain that I wanted to stay the way I was. But what door to choose? I had the left, middle, and right. With uncertainty, I made my way to the left door. It didn’t seem to get closer. I started to run, not sure why. Running wasn’t doing squat though, so I sprinted for what seemed like eternity.

Once I reached the door, I ran through it without hesitation. When I awoke, my brain was fuzzy, and so was my eyesight. I snapped to attention when I realized where I was. There were two beds, and two chairs. “Yes. Same old Hawk. Wolf must be on a mission. Ugh, I can’t wait to explain to him that when I vanished, I wasn’t on a life-saving mission.”

Instantly Wolf appeared, as rambunctious as ever. I had to stop myself from thinking that I wish he’d stop bragging. “So how was your mission? I hope it was better than your last.” Blah, blah, blah. He kept on talking!

I just had to cut him off. “Wolf! If I could I actually talk without you interrupting, you’d have known that I wasn’t on a mission! I could have never seen you again! All you can do is talk! I’m just glad that I’m still the same creature, while you go on talking about your perfect score! I’m tired of this! I was happy to be back, but now I’m wondering. I want a friend who I can talk to! Not just hear you blab! Gosh, where’s a mission when you want one?” I decided to let all my anger out at once, and it felt so good.

“Sheesh Hawk, why didn’t you tell me? Oohh, Hawk! Hawk! Hawk!” He shouted my name over and over again. “Hawk! You’re Glimmering! Oh my! You’re going to get a mission, a great mission! I might not see you for ages. A tip: don’t worry about your time, just do your mission with efficiency. That’s how this guy does it.” He smirked, pointing to himself.

Beads of sweat formed on the back of my neck, Glimmer? Was I really Glimmering? I swallowed it all in one big gulp. Taking a deep breath, I muttered, “Okay, I’ll be fine. Bye Wolf. I’m ready.” All at once, I felt air overtake me. I welcomed this feeling, I now know that this is serious. In legends, it is said that one feels the pleasure their animal blood longs for. “Yes, I can handle this. Forget the time, efficiency is key.”

Hawk and Wolf:Animal Guardians of HumansWhere stories live. Discover now