Chapter 34: Official

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Emelia's POV

My heart rate increased, my breathing hitched and more. Tears that were already falling down my cheeks began to fall faster.

I covered my mouth with my hand, "Oh my gosh, Cam."

He chuckled, his face reading nervousness and anxiousness, "Well?" He sheepishly smiled.

"Of course! I'd love to!" I exclaimed, hopping up and down.

Cameron erupted in a slight chuckle as he wrapped his big arms around my curvy waist, picking me up and swinging me around.

I hugged him back just as tight, wrapping my medium sized arms around his neck and burying my face into the side of his neck. He always smelt so good, like expensive cologne.

"I didn't think it was possible for you to make me any happier but I was obviously wrong." I muttered as he softly placed me back down on the ground.

"I love you baby girl." He whispered, placing his forehead against mine before he pressed his drug like lips against mine.

His plump lips collided with my equally plump lips, our heads turned to the side in opposite directions. It was slow and gave me butterflies, little bumps invaded my arms as his hands gripped the sides of my waist and pulled me closer to him.

My lips curved up into a smile, feeling his teeth pull my bottom lip as he receded from me slowly.

"If I could kiss you all day I would." He mumbled, the muscles in his jaw flexing.

I pecked his lips slowly once more. "Nobody ever said you couldn't." I smirked.

* * *
Laying down on my back in my comfortable bed, I couldn't wipe the smile on my face. It was weird to grasp the concept that Cameron was officially mine now.

He was always "mine" but it wasn't official. I never referred to him as my boyfriend and I don't think he's referred me as his girlfriend. But now, that's changed. He was my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend.

"Wow" I whispered, covering my face with my hands.

"What?" Cameron asked, walking back into the room from the bathroom.

The only type of clothing he had on was a towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets dripped agonizingly slow down his chiseled chest and torso. His hair was damp and disheveled from what appeared to be from towel drying.

It was a beautiful sight to me and made me instantly bit my lip, pushing myself up in a sitting position,

"Well hello there." I mumbled, raising my eyebrows as I eyed him up and down.

Cameron looked down at his body and chuckled, shaking his head but not saying anything.

"You're such a tease, Cameron." I complained, pouting my bottom lip as I leaned against the headboard.

He walked into his closet momentarily before walking out in a pair of black shorts - still shirtless - running his hands through his hair.

"Babe," Cameron chuckled, walking towards me.

I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head giving him the silent treatment for being a tease.

"Emelia," he singsonged, grabbing my leg and shaking it.

I closed my eyes and looked down, still standing my ground.

"Emelia, are you giving me the silent treatment?" He chuckled, sitting down next to me.

I huffed, opening my eyes once I felt his hand slowly slid up from my knee to my thigh and back down.

"Babe, I love you." He continued massaging my leg, giving me chill bumps on my legs.

"Talk to me, I'm sorry." He tried to reassure me.

He leaned down and placed kisses on my leg, stopping at my mid-thigh. Cameron looked up at me through his eyelashes, a smirk played on his lips.

"Keep messing me and I'll break up with you." I jokingly threatened, raising my eyebrow.

Cameron stopped immediately, his eyes raised and his mouth slightly agaped at my words, "You wouldn't."

I smirked and swung my legs over the side of the bed, pushing myself off the bed, "No I wouldn't but, it made you stop didn't it?"

Cameron squinted his eyes playfully, it was evident he was holding back a smile, "That was cold."

I laughed and stood in between his legs, placing my hands on his jawline while his hands slid up my slightly bare thigh and up to my waist.

"I can't believe you're all mine." I sighed happily, smiling down at him.

"I've always been yours baby girl." He gripped my hips reassuringly.

Butterflies, once again, erupted in my stomach, "But it's official now. It's different." I spoke, running my hand through his thick and slightly damp hair.

Cameron shrugged, "I guess, It just means I don't need to ask if I can kiss you now." He joked.

"You never really asked anyway." I shrugged, looking up at the white ceiling for a moment before raising my eyebrow.

Cameron chuckled, "True, so nothing's different for me."

I nodded, "Uh huh," I smiled sweetly, "You can introduce me as your girlfriend." I poked his cheeks.

Cameron smiled and pulled me closer to him, "Yeah, I can't wait for that." He looked up at me, his beautiful brown eyes flickered between my lips and my eyes.

"You don't have to ask, remember." I smirked, massaged the back of his neck.

He smirked and stood up, capturing my lips with his as he did so. He plopped back down, bringing me down with him. My legs were on either sides of him, my hands were hoisting me up by the sides of his head while his big arms wrapped around my waist.

His lips were soft and smooth like silk, his hands rubbing up and down my skin caused butterflies and gave me chill bumps. He grabbed my waist tightly and rolled us over unexpectedly, hovering over me but never disconnecting our lips.

His tongue bonded with mine, moving at the same pace as each other. It's crazy how he's the one who taught me how to kiss like this. I wouldn't wanna kiss any else like this, my lips were his just like his were mine.

"I love you." He whispered as he pulled away faintly, his lips grazing against mine as he spoke.

I lifted my head to peck his lips before speaking softly and making eye contact, my eyes showing lust and love, "I love you too, more than you can imagine."

The Lost Ones // Cameron Dallas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now