Chapter 23: Safe Haven

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I rolled my eyes and turned around, walking into my living room and sitting down on the couch, my head in my hands. The couch sunk down next to me causing me to take a deep breath.

"Emelia, please don't hate me." Cameron sighed deeply.

"I don't hate you." I muttered.

"Then why aren't you talking to me? Why are you trying to push me away?" He asked, moving closer to me.

I lifted my head from my hands, pushing myself up off the couch and turned to the side so he can see my massive bruise, "Do you see this? I haven't had a bruise this big in years." I pointed to it.

Cameron's eyes widen and his hands reach to grab my waist, "Oh my god." He breathed, tracing his fingers over it.

"I thought I wouldn't ever have to go through more bruises like this. If this is what it cost to just be your friend, then I'll pass." I shrugged, avoiding eye contact with him.

Cameron was speechless, his fingers still tracing my side, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly agape. He closed his mouth and clenched his jaw. He stood up and grabbed my face, lifting my head to face him.

"I'm gonna make sure this never happens again. I am truly sorry you had to go through this, I-I," He paused, closing his eyes and leaning his forehead on mine, "I don't even know what to say."

"You keep making promises you can't keep, I told you how much I hated the word promise." I susurrated.

Cameron clenched his jaw and exhaled deeply, he was getting frustrated, "I don't know why you're making this my fault! I can't control what my fans do. I'm so sorry this happened to you but I didn't know it was gonna happen." He shouted, causing me to jump.

I plopped back down on the couch and leaned my head back, my hands covering my entire face as I bounced my foot up and down. I breathed heavily as I tried to hold back tears of anger and frustration. "You know what you did." I seethed through gritted teeth.

"And I said I was sorry! I admit it, I did doubt you because none of my fans ever actually hurt anyone. They may threaten them over the internet but never actually did anything in person. Then again, I haven't hung out with a girl like this in a very long time." Cameron exclaimed

"I wouldn't hurt your fans, I wouldn't hurt anyone. I'm not a fighter but if I feel like I have to defend myself I will, which explains me throwing a fist at one of them. They attacked me," I put my hands on my chest, "I did nothing wrong." I explained.

"I know, Emelia. I don't blame you," He sat down next to me, putting his hands on my exposed thigh, "I'm sorry."

I crossed my arms over my stomach, staring in front of me. I brought my hands to my forehead and slightly massaged my temples trying to ease my pounding headache.

"Talk to me.." Cameron sighed, rubbing my thigh with his thumb.

I shrugged, "What is there to say, Cameron?" I questioned.

Cameron stood up, gripping his hair and slowly pacing back and forth. He ran his hands down his face, his chest rising and falling rapidly. I could tell he was getting angrier.

I sat up, pushing down on the couch and stood up. I stopped Cameron from pacing, bringing my arms up and around his neck. I pulled him into a hug, standing on my tippy toes to rest my face in the crook of his neck.

His arms almost instantly wrapped around my waist, gingerly so he didn't hurt my side. Cameron took a deep breath, relaxing a little as I hugged him tightly.

"Calm down." I whispered in his ear, running my hand over the back of his hair and down his neck softly and soothingly.

He nodded and inhaled through his nose, "Give me another chance?" He asked.

I took a deep breath, feeling him tense up a little as he waited for my response, "Okay."

He pulled away slightly to look me in the eyes and smiled, "Seriously?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I mean it's like you said, its not your fault your fans are psycho."

He chuckled, "Not all of them are psycho, just a few."

I pulled him closer to me, closing the gap between us, "I'll just take your word for that." I said in an undertone.

He gingerly wrapped his arms around my waist a little tighter, "I've been waiting to do this since last night." He muttered.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Do wha-"

His lips colliding with mine shut me up. I held his face in my hands, pulling him closer as I kissed back. His hands rubbed my sides softly, making sure not to hurt me. Cameron pulled away after a few minutes, taking a small step back before he squatted down.

"Cameron what are you do-"

He shushed me and turned me to the side, leaving small delicate kisses on my bruise. I couldn't help but giggle a little, running my hand through his soft thick hair.

After he finished, he straightened back up and hugged me, "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

I bit my lip and nodded, "Please."

He smiled wide and bent down, grabbing the back of my thighs and hoisting me up onto his waist. I shrieked and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, laying my head on his shoulder.

No matter what happens between Cameron and I, we'll always have this connection that probably no one will understand.

But as long as I got him, I didn't care about anything else.

Cameron was my safe haven.

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