Chapter 9: Numbing Pain

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The slamming of the door rattled everything in the house, causing me to jump out of fear. The sound of his voice made chills race up my spine and fear overcome me.

"Andrea! Where the fuck are you?!" He slurred, he was definitely drunk out of his mind.

"I-I'm right here, honey. W-what's wr-" she was cut off by a slap being slammed across her face.

Her faint whimper didn't even make me feel bad, I've had much worst from him. My body shook as I prayed he wouldn't come after me but I knew no matter how I prayed, he'd be in my room to hurt me soon. He was like clockwork when he's drunk.

The booming of his boots coming up the stairs made tears formed in my eyes. I laid on my side, closed my eyes and acted as if I was sleep. My bedroom door bursts open, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes filled the room instantly.

"Wake up!" He shouted, struggling to walk towards me.

I started to cry harder quietly as I still laid there, not moving. That only made him angrier. The covers were soon pulled off my body and he gripped my ankles, ripping me off the bed and onto the floor with a loud thud.

"I told you to wake up!" He hiccuped, staggering over me.

He grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me up and close to his face. I turned my head trying not to smell his horrid odor but it surrounded him.

He chuckled evilly at me and slapped me across the face before throwing me onto the bed.

"Worthless, you're just a bunch of nothing!" He spat.

I held my hand over my cheek, trying not to make a sound. My cheek burned deeply, my whole face felt numb. I knew it was gonna leave a mark.

Everything he did to hurt me, he made sure to leave a mark or a bruise.

I jumped up out of sleep, trying to regain my breath. Involuntarily tears were flowing out my eyes and my chest hurt, it was the kind of hurt when you know something bad was gonna happen. Almost like fear, but much more severe.

I threw the covers off my body and got out my bed and staggered into my bathroom, my breathing still very heavy. I flicked on the light switch and turned the knob on the faucet, causing warm water to spill out. I cupped my hands and splashed my face a few times.

When that didn't work, I backed against the wall and slid the down it. I closed my eyes, ran my hands over my warm face and started to take slow, deep breaths. My chest burned and my face felt congested. My hands trembled along with the rest of my body.

Once I kind of regained my breathing, I slowly stood back up and looked in the mirror. I gasped loudly, taking a step back in shock and fear. I traced my shaking fingers over the huge imprint of a hand that stung my left cheek. I closed my eyes and silently cried, tears pouring out my eyes. I reopened my eyes slowly and examined my cheek.

The handprint was gone. I furrowed my eyebrows in confused and turned my face to examine my other cheek, nothing was there. I shook my head and ran my hands over my face once again and through my messy bed hair.

"I-I'm going crazy" I whispered to myself, walking out the bathroom and back into my bedroom.




"I hate you"

Those words filled my ears as if someone were whispering loudly in my ear. I covered my ears and shook my head, trying to get the words out my head.

"Shut up" I uttered as I found myself standing infront of my bathroom mirror again.

"Nobody loves you, you'll be alone the rest of your miserable life!" My step-dads voice growled, his appearance showing up in the mirror.

My eyes widen in fear, stepping back slowly. The feeling that went through my body was unimaginable and unexplainable. I felt like I was going crazy. This has never happened to me before, ever.

"I can't help you, I need him!" My moms voice slowly got louder, her appearance showing up in the mirror now as she smoked her fresh cigarette.

"Nobody will believe you, nobody cares!" His voice boomed again, his appearance showing in the mirror once again. I could almost feel the spit being splattered on my face.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I screamed, punching the mirror as hard as I could.

My arm immediately went numb as my arm was full of blood. My breathing got heavy, I was having a nervous breakdown. The sound of my phone ringing interrupted me. I managed to make my way into room, stepping over shards of glass. Blood trailed behind me due to my arm, pieces of glass sticking out of it.

I grabbed my phone with my good but trembling hand and answered it.

"H-hello?" I whispered, slowly feeling myself start to faint.

"Emelia? Are you okay?" Cameron asked.

"No, n-no. There's, there's blood everywhere and I-I can't breath." I stuttered, struggling to speak.

"Blood?! What do you mean blood?!" He shouted frantically.

"I-I feel, lightheaded. This is it," I closed my eyes and fell back on my bed,

"This is the end." Was the last thing I said before passing out, the phone slipping out my hand.

The Lost Ones // Cameron Dallas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now