Chapter 32: Blessing

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"D-Dad?" I furrowed my eyes and examined his face, stepping closer to him. 

He nodded and smiled, "It's me princess," He cried, licking his lips "It's really me." 

I squinted my eyes as I examined his features. His dark brown thick hair, light brown eyes, full lips, structured jawline. He looked just like he did before he left, just with a little wrinkles by his eyes and mouth. I lifted my shaking hand over my mouth in shock, it was really him. After all these years, he finally found me. I felt the tears well up in my eyes and I smiled, running into his arms and hugging him as tight as I could with one arm. He wrapped his arms around my head and hugged me back, the both of us crying onto each others shoulders. 

"I can't believe it's you,it's really you." I mumbled into his shoulder.

"It's me, I've been looking for you for years," He took a step back and looked down at me, "Your mother kept you from me. I tried to see you but she wouldn't let me." He sobbed, caressing my hair down to my cheek.

I scoffed, "Of course she did." I whispered, leaning my head back on his shoulder.

"You never left my mind, after all these years. You look so grown up and not to mention absolutely stunning. I know you might not like this comparison but you remind me a lot of your mother when she was about your age."  He explained, leaning his head on top of mine.

"I thought you forgot about me. I figured you didn't care so I didn't try to look for you. My mom would always tell me that if you really wanted to see me you'd stop by the house." I muttered, sniffling loud.

He moved back, "I did try to see you, Emelia. All the time. She'd either tell me you weren't home or you didn't wanna see me." 

I shook my head, "That's not true at all. I always asked for you." I reassured him.

He ran his shaky hand over my hair, "Let's not think about the past and focus on the now. I've dream't about this moment for years." He smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Who's this?" My dad pointed behind me, towards the door.

I spun around, "Oh dad, this is Cameron. Cameron this is my dad, Adam." I smiled, Introducing them to each other, something I thought I'd never get to do.

Cameron held out his hand and shook it firmly, "It's an honor to finally meet you,sir." 

My dad returned the gesture, "I'm guessing you're her boyfriend, correct?" He asked, looking at the both of us.

I opened my mouth to speak but stopped myself, tilting my head to the side. We actually hadn't spoke about that yet. He was mine, but he wasn't mine. We were together but we weren't official. I bit my lip not knowing what to say and looking over at Cameron for help.

"Not yet, sir." He half smiled, winking at me.

I smiled softly and looked down momentarily, "We have so much to catch up on." My dad spoke.

I sighed heavily, "You have no idea." I dragged out 'no"


"He did what!" He shouted, slamming his hands down on the table and standing up in anger. His actions made me flinch a little, moving back into Cameron's arms that were wrapped around me. 

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that honey, I-I" He began to get choked up, "If I wouldn't have left, none of that would've happened." 

I shook my head and stood up, making my way over to him and hugging him, "I thought that too for the longest time but now I know it's not your fault." I looked up at him, making sure to make eye contact to reassure him. "But those horrific years in my life has made me the person I am today, along with Cameron." I looked over at Cameron with a smile.

He smiled back at me, lowering his head as he held back his smile. "I wouldn't be as strong as I am today, dad. Don't worry about what happened then and you leaving because I honestly don't blame you, as soon as I got a chance I left too. You're here now and that's all that matters." I told him.

My dad smiled down at me proudly, "I'm so proud of the young woman you've become, Emelia. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, but I promise for now on I will be." He kissed my forehead and hugged me. 

He turned and faced Cameron, "And son, " Cameron stood up and looked at him, "Thank you for helping my baby girl." He brought him in for a hug which Cameron gladly accepted.

"It's no problem at all. Thank you for making such a wonderful girl, she's definitely a blessing." He smiled over at me.

I couldn't hold back my smile, causing me to cover my face while smiling. Cameron chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into him. My dad also joined the hug, "Group hug!" Cameron exclaimed with laughter.

"No, " My dad disagreed and smiled at the both of us, "Family hug." 

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