Chapter 11: Prayers

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Cameron -

"I can't.." She whispered, turning her head away from Nash and I and closing her eyes.

Nash huffed loudly and removed his hand from Emelia's. He looked at me, his expression read that he wanted to just give up and go home. I sighed and nodded.

"Emelia, we're gonna go." I said lowly.

She took a deep but quiet inhale and nodded, her tired dull eyes never opening. I leaned down and kissed her cold, colorless forehead softly. I felt her flinch under my lips once my they came in contact with her skin. I pulled away slowly, taking a glance at her before standing in a straight position.

"I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up." I assured her, grabbing my hoodie off the dark wooden chair beside her bed.

I walked towards the door, my hand resting her on the wooden doorframe. I look over my shoulder at Emelia, tear drops trickled down her pink cheeks as her colorless plump bottom lip quivered. I sighed and looked down then walked out the room, closing the door behind me.

"I don't know what to do, Nash." I frustratedly groan, gripping my hair as I slid down in the couch seat, "i wanna help Emelia but I can't. This sucks."

Nash nodded in agreement, "I know man. Just be there for her, that's all we can do right now."

I leaned my head against the arm rest, "She's scared. Whatever happened in her past scarred her for life."

Nash fell silent, closing his laptop and turning towards me. He knew I was about to start venting to him.

"I just feel so helpless. I wanna be there for her and try to help her through it but she won't let me."

"You just got to let her know she can trust you. Obviously something bad happened, probably an abusive relationship and she's scared to get close to you." Nash explained.

I nodded, "You're probably right.." I sighed.

The thought of someone hurting Emelia pissed me off. She's honestly a nice girl when she's not freaking out and calm. I've only known Emelia for about two weeks and I just know she's special. As cliché as that sounds, it's true. When I'm talking to her there's a certain sparkle in her eyes, a small sense of serenity.

Seeing her so hurt and upset killed me inside. When I found her laying on her bed, blood trails coming from the bathroom and onto her bed, I thought I lost her.

"Emelia! Where are you?!" I shouted, bursting through her door.

There's wasn't a respond and that worried me. My heart was racing and I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I ran into her bedroom and that's when I saw her. Her lifeless, colorless body laying on her bed. Small portions of blood trailed from in the bathroom, the floor was full of shattered glass.

"Oh no.." I breathed, racing to her and lifting her into my arms.

Her body was limp and she was barely breathing, "Emelia, wake up!" I shook her by the jaw.

I checked her pulse with my index finger and middle finger, there was only a small beat. I shook my head in fear and shoved my shaking hand into my pocket and grabbed my phone. I quickly unlocked it and called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" A lady answered in a monotone voice.

"I need an ambulance immediately, m-my friend is hardly breathing and there's blood everywhere." I stuttered, my voice shaky.

"What's your location?" She asked.

I told her the address and she told me they were on their way and to stay on the line. I put my phone on speaker and sat in on the bed, holding Emelia closer to my body.

"Please god let her be okay, please keep her alive." I prayed, running my hand through her hair.

"They'll be there in a few minutes honey, just hang tight." The dispatcher instructed me.

I looked down at her face, her face was unusually pale and veins showed through her closed eyelids. Her usually pink full lips were turning a slight blue and purple. Her body had a slight twitch. Tears formed in the brim of my eyes as I looked at her, this couldn't be happening.

I soon heard sirens and then a team of paramedics came rushing into the house.

"Hello?!" They shouted.

"In the bedroom! Down the hall and to the left!" I shouted back, sniffling a little.

They all came rushing in and took her out of my arms, checking her pulse and then they started to give her CPR. I stood aside and grabbed my phone to call Nash.

"Hello?" He asked.

"N-Nash, it's Cameron.." I breathed, licking my lips and gripping at the root of my hair.

"What's wrong? Why is there an ambulance siren going off in the background? Are you alright?" He rambled on, asking me questions.

"I'm fine, it's Emelia..I don't know if she's gonna make it and they're about to take her to the hospital." I explained.

"What the hell happened?" He asked in shock.

"I'll tell you later, can you make it to the hospital? I need someone there with me man.." I asked.

"Of course, I'll be there in a couple minutes." He assured me.

I nodded, "thanks man." I thanked him then hung up.

"Who is she to you?" A paramedic asked me.

"Just my friend."

"Do you know if she has any insurance?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No but I can check her wallet." I told him, jogging to her dresser and grabbed her long black wallet with heart detailing embellished on it.

I snapped it open and checked through her card pockets on the side. "Here it is!" I exclaimed, pulling it out from behind her ID.

He took it out my hand and nodded, "Alright, are you riding in the van with us?" He asked

I shook my head, "No but I'll be driving behind you guys."

He nodded, "Alright, let's get going."

We walked out her house, closing it behind me and got into the car. I sat in the drivers seat, buckled up and started the car. As I waited for them to pull off I said a quick prayer, asking God to keep her safe and alive.

I couldn't lose her..

The Lost Ones // Cameron Dallas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now