Chapter 31: Astounded

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The Next Morning

"Babe," I heard a soft voice call me while shaking me lightly, "Wake up." 

I opened my eyes slowly, stretching instantly and yawning a little. The bright sunlight shining through the hospital windows blinded me momentarily, making me groan softly and squint my eyes. I went to rub my eyes but was kind of restricted on my right arm thanks to my sling and brace that was wrapped securely on my arm to keep it from moving too much so I wouldn't hurt my fractured arm anymore than it already is.

 "Huh?" I asked. I met eyes with Cameron who hovered over top of me, "Good morning beautiful." He cooed.

I smiled softly, feeling myself blush, "Good morning." I mumbled, covering my morning breath.

Cameron leaned down to kiss me but I turned my head so he kissed my cheek. He looked up at me confused, "What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

I giggled, "Cameron, I have morning breath. That's not cute." 

Cameron rolled his eyes playfully, "I don't care." He laughed, "I went two whole weeks without kissing you so now every chance I get to kiss you, I'm gonna take it." 

I lifted my hand up and stroked his cheek with my thumb, "You always make me feel so good, you're such a blessing." I smiled as I looked into his eyes.

"I feel the same exact way, Emelia." He whispered before kissing my lips passionately. 

The feeling I get when I kiss Cameron is indescribable. I know how Cliche that sounds but it's the truth. Never would I ever expect to meet a guy as amazing as Cameron, let alone fall for him and have him fall for me too. Cameron's like a dream come true, it's almost too good to be true. 

"Come on, lets get you out this hospital." He muttered against my lips.


"Home sweet home, " Cameron said, entering my house behind me. "Yeah, I guess." I shrugged, setting my bag down on the living room table. 

Cameron came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, "What's wrong babe? You don't sound happy to be home." He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I'll probably be happier once I can take off this brace and sling and also get rid of these headaches." 

Cameron moved around my body so he was now facing me, pulling me into his arms and kissing my temples slowly, "Don't worry, I'll be here for you whenever you need me." He reassured me.

"Cam, You have a career. You can't just drop everything because I'm not feeling well, it's not fair to your fans." I explained, shaking my head. 

He nodded, "That's true but if you did ever need me while I was in the middle of work and it was an emergency, I'd do anything I could to be there by your side." 

I couldn't help but smile, blushing lightly as I buried my face in the crook of his neck. "What?" He chuckled, rubbing my lower back. 

"Nothing" I mumbled, wrapping my arm around his waist. "No tell me," He urged, moving his head back to look down at me, a sweet smile playing at his lips.

"I'm just thinking about how much my life has changed recently, and I honestly have you to thank for that," I began, looking up at him.

"No, that's all y-"  "No it's not because without you I wouldn't have the strength or motivation to do anything. I probably wouldn't even be alive right now and if I was, I'd be struggling. But now, I'm happier. Never thought I'd be able to say that, so thank you Cameron. Thank you for being in my life and helping me and sticking with me even when I tried to push you away." I explained, smiling ardently.

Cameron wrapped his arms around my head, pulling me into his chest as I wrapped my good arm around his waist just as tightly, "I don't know what to say," He mumbled against my head.

I chortle lightly, "You don't have to say anything babe, your actions speak louder than words." I reassured him. He took a step back and grabbed my cheeks, giving a small sweet kiss on the lips.

"Go ahead and relax babe, I'm gonna order us some pizza." He put his hand on my lower back, leading me to the couch. I gasped happily, "You know me a little too well." I joked.

Cameron kissed my forehead and hopped over to the kitchen, grabbing the pizza menu off the refrigerator and dialing it on his phone. I rested my legs on my black wooden coffee table, leaning back on the couch and grabbing the remote, flicking through channels until I was satisfied. 


After about 20 minutes of waiting for the pizza while laying on the couch and watching one of my favorite animated Halloween movies, "Coraline", the door bell finally rang.

"Finally" I groaned, sitting up and getting ready to stand up but Cameron stopped me, telling me he'd get it for me. 

I leaned back against the couch, watching him as he walked to the front door and open it. I couldn't hear what they were saying but it was clear that it wasn't the pizza man. In fact, it was an older man with dark brown hair and kinda tall. I couldn't see his facial features but I could tell he was a little anxious.

"Uh, babe?" Cameron called out, not taking his eyes off the man. "Yes?" I asked, a little confused.

"Can you come here for a minute, please?" He asked, rubbing the palm of his hand on his jeans. 

I stood up slowly, pushing myself up with my right arm. I cautiously walked over to the door, standing beside a confused looking Cameron. "What's up? Who's this?" I asked, looking up at the older man. He looked like he was in his late 30's.

"Emelia?" The man asked a little astounded.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Do I know you?" I asked slowly, getting a little creeped out as to why this man knew my name.

"It's me, baby girl." He smiled wide, his eyes beginning to tear up as he looked at me.

I shook my head and looked at Cameron for help but he just pulled his lips into his mouth and put his hand on my back for support. I looked back over at the man, "I-I'm sorry but I don't know who you are." I shrugged slowly.

"It's me, Emelia." He sighed, "I'm your father."

The Lost Ones // Cameron Dallas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now