Chapter 5: Something New

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"So how was your week Emelia?" Mrs. Monroe asked as she crossed her legs.

"Interesting" I sighed, getting comfortable in the all too familiar leather body chair.

She raised her eyebrow, "Tell me about it."

"Well..I met a boy." I smiled softly.

Mrs. Monroe's jaw dropped slightly in shock, "Really?" She asked excited.

I laughed, "Calm yourself but yes, really. His name is Cameron."

She uncrossed her legs, sat up and put her clipboard down. She gave me a hand gesture telling me to continue.

"He's special, something about him is so refreshing. He shows so much interest in me and not in a sexual way. I don't know, it's weird because I've never had a guy show any type of interest in me before." I explained.

"Wow, I did not expect this." She smiled wide, "What else?"

"I went to his friends birthday party where I actually socialized...well, okay maybe not but I was still around people and didn't have a freak out." I smiled proudly.

Mrs. Monroe clapped for me, she was more proud of me than I was.

"But I did freak out in front of him twice. Once when I met him and the next day whenever he invited me out to eat with his other friends." I explained, my smile soon fading away.

Mrs. Monroe sighed, "What triggers these flashbacks Emelia?"

"Same as usual. Certain gestures, certain words, etcetera. First time I was trampled by his fans and -"

"Fans?" Mrs. Monroe asked.

"He's internet famous, vine and that Magcon event he use to do." I confirmed.

She nodded, gesturing me to continue what I was saying before she interrupted me.

"The second time he had put his hand on my knee and I had a flashback and then I freaked out. It was one of those really bad ones where my vision blurs and my heart feels like it's gonna beat out of my chest. Cameron chased after me when I ran away and he tried to help but there was nothing for him to do. He looked so confused and they all looked so concerned or maybe that was a look of being weirded out." I rambled on.

"This Cameron boy seems to really care." She smiled, raising her eyebrows and she wrote something on her clipboard.

"But he doesn't even know me that well. I'm a freaking train wreck and he's almost perfect. I don't get why he's choosing to show interest in me out of millions of girls." I sighed, getting frustrated.

I groaned loudly and threw myself back onto the coach, running my hands over my face.

"What if this is all a game?" I muttered.

"Emelia, you're overthinking." Mrs. Monroe tried to calm me down.

"No think about it, what if he's just using me for something?" I questioned, "but then again I don't have anything to give him so probably not." I sighed, tugging at the roots of my hair.

"Emelia, you can't keep letting your worries stop you from trying new things. You're so afraid of failing at something that you don't even try." Mrs. Monroe lectured me

She was right, she was completely right. I've had many different opportunities to do something new but I've always ran away because of the thought of failure or complete humiliation. Cameron could be the start of something new but I was too afraid to try. I wanted to but with everything I'm going through and have been going through for the past ten years keeps holding me back. I don't want him to know or see that dark side of me. That side still scares me after all these years so I can't imagine how anyone else would react to it.

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