Chapter 13: Placid

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"Hello?" I answered my phone, hopping into my car.

"Hey, am I interrupting?" Cameron asked.

"No, you're fine. I just finished my therapy session." I confirmed, leaning back in my car seat.

"Great, you up for lunch? I just finished my last meeting got the day a little bit ago and now I'm free." He inquired.

I pulled my phone away from my ear and looked at the time displayed on it, 2:36pm. I shrugged, "Sure, where do you wanna meet up?" I asked, starting up my car. The engine roared with intensity.

"Wherever you wanna eat, I'm fine with it." He remarked sweetly.

"How about Panera?"

I pulled into the parking spot outside of Panera, took my key out the ignition and grabbed my black messenger bag with fringe hanging from it and gold studs embellished on the strap. I hopped out the car, closing and locking the door behind me. I made my way towards Panera, opening the door and being surprised by the little group of teenage girls surrounding around someone. I knew it had to Cameron.

"Can I have a picture?!"

"I love you so much"

"Will you follow me on twitter?

Those were most of the questions and statements being slightly shouted at Cameron. I slid off my silver sunglasses, hanging them on my gray loose v-neck t-shirt. I blew a low raspberry and decided not to approach him, remembering the last night I approached a big crowd.

I sat down in the nearest table and examined my arm. It was still wrapped in bandages, my doctor recommended I kept it on for two weeks and it's only been a week since the incident. Surprisingly, I wasn't in a lot of pain, the bandage was just annoying and I knew it'd leave a nasty tan line.

"Emelia!" Cameron exclaimed happily, walking towards my table.

I smiled slightly, "Hi."

"How long have you been here? I didn't even see you walk in." He asked, sitting in the chair in front of me.

"Just a few minutes." I assured him, playing with the items on the table.

Cameron nodded and gave me a sympathy smile. I shook my head lightly and returned a forgiven smile. We ordered our food and sat in silence for a few minutes. Cameron was on his phone, sipping on his water as his finger scrolled through his timeline. I played with the ends of my hair and tapped my foot. It was awkward, this isn't how I expected this lunch to go.

"Okay, sorry about that I wanted to tweet some fans." Cameron apologized, putting his phone away, "You now have my full attention."

I smiled, letting out a low chuckle and looking down at my hands that laid on my lap.

"How was your day?" Cameron asked.

"It was okay, you?" I inquired, looking at him.

"Busy, I've had two meetings this morning and I met some fans." He explained, licking his lips.

I raised my eyebrows and nodded, "I saw that." I pointed to the area Cameron was with his fans.

"Oh that wasn't even half of it." He laughed which caused me to laugh. Cameron's laughter died form and he just smiled at me.

"What?" I asked, feeling myself start to blush.

"What?" He smirked.

"I don't know, why are you looking at me like that?" I smiled, looking down and covering my face, trying to hide my blushing.

"You just look really beautiful, like usual but there's a certain glow to you today." He complimented me.

I got that weird feeling in my stomach again, it was starting to become a regular thing when I was around Cameron. I bit my lip and covered my face, squealing a little.

"Shut up." I laughed through my hands.

"It's true." He grabbed my hands and pulling them away from my face.

"No it's not." I hid my face in my upper arm, giggling a little.

"Yeah it is, don't deny it. You may not see it but I do." He held my hands, his thumb rubbing circles on the top of my hand.

"Here's your food." I heard a woman's voice.

I looked up and pulled my hands away from Cameron's, laying them on my lap. She sat down a small bowl of Macaroni and cheese and my sandwich in front of me. I licked my lips and my mouth started to water once the aroma of all the flavors filled my nose. We thanked her and before I began to eat Cameron stopped me.

"Say grace with me?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrows and sat down my fork, "Sure." I smiled.

He grabbed my hands and intertwined them together. He closed his eyes and bowed his head, I mimicked him as I listened to him pray.

"Dear god, thank you for this delicious meal you've provided for us today. I thank you for the amazing things happening in my life right now and I thank you for putting Emelia in my life. Amen."

We opened our eyes and lifted our heads. I was definitely blushing again but I didn't really hide it. I just looked at him in shock.

He just thanked god for me. Me out of all people...

Cameron let go of my hands and smiled. He grabbed his utensils and started eating.

"So Emelia, I wanna start the 21 questions." Cameron smiled as we sat down on my couch in my living room.

I felt this overwhelming feeling of anxiety rush through me, "okay..." I trailed off.

"Don't be nervous, this will be a good opportunity to get to know each other." He assured me, a comforting smile spread upon his lips.

I sighed and nodded, turning my body so I was completely facing him, crossing my legs as I waited for his question.

"Could you give me a hint to what happened in your past that gives you these flashbacks?" He asked, using hand gestures.

I bit my lip and rubbing my upper arm, "Well it's kind of a family thing and let's just say it was morbid."

Cameron put his hand on mine, comfortingly. "Okay, what's your favorite food?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Steak.. or pasta." I answered.

"Nice" he dragged out, drawing small circles on the top of my hand. It was such a small gesture but it felt amazing. It was so soothing and calming.

We asked each other about ten other random questions, both silly and serious. The more I got to know Cameron the more interested in him I was. When I was around him, I was placid. I felt like I was in bliss around him, no bad thoughts or feelings. Just happiness, something I hadn't felt in ages and it was a blessing to feel it.

Cameron was something special, not only did I want him in my life, I almost felt like I needed him in my life in order to be happy. I hated to rely on anyone for any source of feeling but at this point, it was like the only way.

I'm just looking to be found in this dark, scary space in my life.

The Lost Ones // Cameron Dallas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now