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I covered my mouth with my trembling hand, not wanting to believe what was happening. Jason’s words hit me like a semi truck, killing me instantly. I wanted to pretend this was all a dream and that I’d wake up in Jace’s arms, smiling and happy. As much as hated Jace at times, I still loved him more than anything. He was my husband, my mate and the father of my children. Jason’s words kept replaying in my head, until I had a migraine.
            “You can have her as long as Jace never sees her or his kids again. You can do whatever the hell you want as long as you make sure to get the hell away from here. Since you screwed up the last time, I suggest you leave this time and for good.”

            I went to stand up, but Dillon beat me to it, sitting next to me on the couch, holding me against him so I couldn’t move. I shivered at his touch, his skin freezing against mine. I couldn’t believe that he used to be my best friend and now this was happening. It was unimaginable.

            “You’re both insane! If you think I won’t fight, you’re as stupid as I though.” I growled, wishing I was in contact with my wolf so I could shift and attack both of these monsters. 

            “See that’s why we have wolfsbane to keep your wolf under control. And that way I can overpower you.” Dillon whispered in my ear. 

            I went to punch him across the face but he easily caught my fist in his hand, smirking at me like he had just won a million dollars. I glared at him, but if obviously did nothing to him. I rolled my eyes and stared back at Jason, who was happily sitting across from me.

            “Look, I’m sorry this has to happen to you. It’s not your fault, just Jace’s.” Jason said, a hint of guilt in his voice but I knew that must have been an act.

            If he was trying to make me feel any better, it wasn’t working. Sorry, it’s not my fault I’ve been kidnapped and I’m in danger, but it’s Jace’s fault. That makes sense, right? Wrong, maybe if my ex best friend wasn’t obsessed and my brother-in-law wasn’t psychotic, then I could be at home with my husband and children. I rolled my eyes at his idiotic apology, knowing he didn’t mean it.

            My thoughts disappeared when I heard one of the twins start to cry. I fought against Dillon to go and comfort then, not wanting them to be in this mess. My motherly instincts were kicking in and all I wanted to do was protect my babies. Dillon stood up, bringing me along with him. He pushed me over to Jason, who grabbed me tightly.

            “Let me go.” I snarled, and I watched as Dillon exited the room, heading to where the twins were.

            My heart began to race when I saw Dillon walk back into the room with Rayna in his arms, tears running down her cheeks. Her bottom lip was quivering and I knew she didn’t like being in a stranger’s arms. My blood began to boil at the sight. I didn’t want that monster touching my daughter. He cradled her in his arms and I snapped when he leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.

            “Leave her alone!” I yelled, almost escaping Jason’s grasp, but he gripped me tighter, knowing how pissed I was.

The Princess and Her Alpha (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now