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My back was stiff when I opened my eyes the next morning. I knew that I had fallen asleep on the twins' floor, but when I woke up, I was in a bed. I glanced over to see that Dillon was sleeping soundlessly next to me with his arms wrapped around me. My muscles tightened at the thought that he was holding me in his arms. That wasn't meant for him to do, but only Jace. I try to pry his arms from around me but he obviously caught on and held me tighter.

The wolfsbane in my system made me weaker so his strong hold was no match for me. I let out a whimper when he actually started to hurt me. He sighed and released me, sitting up at the same time as I did. He stared at me, as if wondering why I was trying to escape his arms. Without saying a word to him, I stood up and walked to the bathroom.

If I could stay in there all day, I would but when I finished up in there, I knew I'd have to face Dillon eventually. As soon as I stepped a foot out of the room and Dillon was nowhere to be found, I felt something being stabbed into my arm. I whipped my head to see that Dillon stood next to me with a syringe in his hand.

"Sorry, it's easy to surprise you with more wolfsbane than have you fight me." He shrugged it off like it wasn't insane to do.

"My wolf needs to be let out. It's not healthy to keep her locked away." I fought back, knowing that it was cruelty to keep using wolfsbane on my wolf.

"She was locked away for fifteen years before, what's a little longer?" He replied.

I frowned, knowing I'd lost that battle. My body already started to feel weaker from the injection, but I acted like it didn't affect me.

"Now, how about we feed the children and we talk?" He asked, and I nodded.

We walked into the twins' room and I couldn't help but cringe when I saw Dillon walk over to Rayna's crib and pick her up. Every bone in my body was urging me to fight him for touching her but I knew I couldn't. I picked up Zack and held him tightly in my arms, never wanting to let him go. Dillon walked out of the room and I had no choice but to follow, seeing that he had my daughter in his arms.

By the time I got downstairs, Dillon had already made two bottles of formula for the twins. His super speed obviously working and the wolfsbane was kicking in, making me slower. He handed me a bottle and sat down in the arm chair in the living room. I sat down across from him on the couch and started to feed Zack, staring at him instead of Dillon.

"So let me tell you how I became a vampire. I was traveling outside our kingdom when I was thirteen and your father banished me from ever seeing you again. It was nighttime and I was going for a walk since I was suffering from insomnia. The whole time I thought I was being followed through the woods, but never saw anyone. I was almost back to the kingdom when I was attacked by a vampire. I will never know why but after he fed from me, he let me live. He forced his venom into my causing me to turn." He paused from his story, to burp Rayna.

"Anyways, after I turned I couldn't return to Cadellan, not with you there. I didn't want to hurt you at any cost. I went to a neighboring kingdom and my bloodlust was too overpowering for me. I killed hundreds of people before a group of vampires took me in and trained me to control my bloodlust because I obviously couldn't be killing towns and kingdoms. That was a rough time during my life and all I thought about was you and how I needed to be in control of myself so when I saw you again, I wouldn't want to kill you." He gave me a small smile, and this time it was a genuine smile.

"I'd learn all about the supernatural world, mainly about vampires and werewolves, seeing that they were the majority. Then that day you came to my cabin in the woods, I could smell your werewolf scent. I was crushed, seeing that we were supposed to be enemies, yet I was in love with you. You could imagine my disappointment when I later found out you had found your mate." He frowned.

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