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Last nights memories flood my brain as soon as I woke up. My body was overcome with pain as I tried to move and sit up. I cried out, the pain forcing me to stay bedridden. I caught a glimpse of the bed sheets under me to see they were stained with blood. My blood. Tears poured from my eyes as every touch, every kiss, everything came back into my mind. Something that was so precious to Jace and I was ruined by Dillon. He took something that wasn't his to take.

I forced myself to get out of bed, despite the pain shooting throughout my body. At that point, I realized that I was still naked from last night and cringed at the sight. It just reminded me that this was real and not some sick nightmare. I grabbed a pair of yoga pants and a shirt, not wanting to dress up for that monster. I didn't even want to know when he had bought clothes for me. I limped over to the bathroom, locking myself in there. I never wanted to leave the bathroom.

As soon as I looked in the mirror, I cringed at the sight. Blood stained my pale, white skin. My hair was tangled, almost unfixable. My eyes were bloodshot and swollen from all the crying I did. What caught my eye the most was the large, black and blue bruise on my cheek. Memories of last night flashed through my eyes.

When Dillon finished drinking from me, he decided he wasn't finished with me. He'd licked my wound clean, stopping the constant bleeding. Tears cascaded down my face, but my sobs meant nothing to him. He'd destroyed the only think linking Jace and I together. My eyes widened when I felt him tugging at my shirt. His lips pressed against mine once again and I couldn't help but bite down on them to force him to stop. He looked pissed, but at this point, I didn't care.

"Please, please stop. You've already ruined me. The mark is practically killing me. Don't do this, Dillon." I begged, my tears getting in the way of my begging.

"But you tasted so good. I don't just want your blood, I want all of you." He replied, tearing off my shirt.

I struggled against him, knowing I couldn't let him destroy me even more than he already has. The wolfsbane and the lasting effect of the mark were a disadvantage for me and allowed Dillon to easily overpower me as if I was an ant fighting against a tiger. Everything went downhill from there. When Dillon tried kissing me again, I bite him once again, further pissing him off. That's when I felt the back of his hand come in contact with the side of my cheek.

Tears tricked from my eyes as my cheek started to throb from his hit. That would leave a bruise tomorrow for sure. I'd never expected this from Dillon, where was my best friend at? The Dillon I knew would never hurt me in any way possible. I tried kicking at him and punching him when he released my hands, but that resulted in more smacks.

"I'll make this much worse if you don't stop right now." He growled.

From that point on, I stopped fighting and let it happen. Fighting would get me nowhere but in more pain, if that was even possible. He overpowered me and I was in too much pain to waste energy struggling. Instead, all I did was cry in pity and suffering.

I'm surprised Dillon hadn't broken my cheekbone when he hit me those couple times. Surely, he had some guilt about hurting me, right? I shook my head, knowing Dillon was incapable of feeling remorse. He'd he classified as a psychopath by textbook definitions. I'm sure there were many things wrong with Dillon, so many technical terms I could use to describe him. I hated every inch of him; just the sight of him disgusted me.

I got into the shower and took a good half an hour scrubbing at my body, wanting to get his scent and touch off of me. Disgust was the only word to describe how I felt. I didn't want to even look at him, because it would remind me of last night. What did I ever do to deserve this? Jace and I would fight constantly, but when I lost him for good, I couldn't function. My neck was still throbbing from my destroyed mark. If my wolf surfaced, I knew she would be in a state of depression. Her mate was gone in her mind. Part of me was thankful my wolf wasn't present because that would make this worse than it already was.

Once I was showered and in a new set of clothes, I paced around the bathroom, deciding when I should face Dillon. I knew it was impossible to avoid him, but I would postpone it as long as possible. I looked at myself in the mirror and besides the large black bruise on my cheek, I looked normal again. My eyes were their normal color and my hair was no longer a mess. There wasn't a drop of blood on me now, which I couldn't be any happier for.

After minutes of fighting with myself, I walked out of the bathroom, ready to face Dillon. If only I could kill him. I wouldn't hesitate to kill him. I wasn't even sure how to kill a vampire though. The bedroom was empty but the sheets off the bed had been removed, telling me that Dillon had been in here. I tiptoed out of the room, wanting to see the twins. They were the last thing I had of Jace.

As soon as I entered the room, I noticed that only Zack was in his crib. I frantically looked around the room, but Rayna was no where to be seen. I went to run out of the run, but as soon as I whirled around, Dillon was standing in the doorway holding Rayna in his arms.

"Good morning, beautiful." He grinned, and more flashbacks of last night filled my brain.

I watched as his eyes raked up and down my body and last night must be vivid in his mind as well. I tried to stay calm and not piss him off anymore. Last night was a good reason not to anger him. I remained quiet, not wanting to talk to him right now. Rayna was safe and that's all I cared about at the moment.

"I decided to spend more time with Rayna because I can already tell your son over there is going to be weak. Rayna is obvious the stronger of the two." Dillon spoke.

"Don't you dare talk about my son like that!" I snapped, not liking that he was calling my son weak. He wasn't even a month old yet, there was no way of telling if he would be strong or weak.

"I'm stating a fact here. I usually have a good instinct about things like this. I knew Jace was weak and I was correct. If he was a strong Alpha, then I would have been dead awhile ago. I'm guessing Zack got Jace's genes, which is quite unfortunate." He shook his head in disappointment.

Tear filled my eyes because as angry as I was, I couldn't act on it. How dare he talk about Jace like that. Jace was far from weak and I knew he would stop at nothing to save the twins and me, no matter how long it took. I took several deep breaths, glaring at Dillon, mentally dreaming of ways to kill him.

"And you see the twins are lucky they will have a dad that will raise them properly." Dillon continued, waiting for a reaction out of me.

Dillon walked over to set Rayna in her crib and I turned my back away from him, knowing he would come closer to talk with me and I didn't want to look at him anymore, or I'd probably go off on him. I could feel the blood in my body boiling from the anger Dillon was causing. Dillon's footsteps walked closer to me until I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to him. My body stiffened at his touch and I felt him lean in close to me. He laid his chin on my shoulder, taking deep breaths so that I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Jace is a coward and doesn't deserve you." He whispered in my ear.

I couldn't control my actions anymore. His words pushed me over the edge and I did something that he wanted to happen. He wanted me to lash out and give him a reaction to his petty comments that would only piss me off. I spun around and slapped him across the face, a loud crack echoing the room. Dillon probably expecting me to yell and call him out on his comments, but I knew he wasn't expecting me to slap him. A shocked expression covered his face, but he quickly covered it with anger.

"Nice bruise you have there, lets add on to it." Dillon snarled.

Before I could process what he said, his fist came in contact with my cheek, sending a wave of pain through my body. I stumbled backwards as everything around me faded from color to black. I tried to fight unconsciousness, but the pain was so excruciating that my body gave in and everything turned to dark.

Heyyy everyone, here's another update!!! Sorry its taking so long. I'm about to start school and just got back from vacation so I've been busy. Thanks for being patient with me and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please comment on what you thought and vote!!! The next chapter will be in Jace's POV, so you all have something to look forward too.

This chapter's dedication goes to @Telmarines seeing that she always comments and we've have some great conversations on here!!! Thanks to all my readers, I do love you all so much. Until next time, thanks and enjoy!!!! :D

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