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Tears streamed down my cheeks as I reread the note. The sad part was that this was completely true. Jace did have answers to my questions and choose not to tell me. My body was trembling in distress as I continued to cry. I shouted for Jace, knowing he’d come as soon as he heard me. He ran up the stairs and charged into the room. He glanced around, checking for any sign of danger. When he realized I was safe, he shut the bedroom door and slowly walked over to me. I threw the note at him in anger, as I sobbed uncontrollably.

            “Can’t you see that this is killing me? I know you’re keeping things from me and that this note is true. I need answers, and I need them now.” I sobbed, not wanting to hate him but right now, I couldn’t help myself.

            “Iz, I’m trying to protect you. Jason is just trying to get inside your head.” Jace tried to soothe me, but failed.

            “I just don’t know why I was relieved when you saved me, because you’re no better than Dillon or Jason.” I snapped, and as soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them.

            “If that’s what you believe, then do whatever the hell you want. Next time you need protected, do expect it to be from me.” Jace snarled, as he stormed out of them room, slamming the door shut.

            Tears cascaded down my cheeks as Jace left. Rayna and Zack’s cries echoed the room from being woken up from sleeping. I walked over to their cribs, picking them both up in my arms. I went and sat down on my bed, silently crying along with the twins. This wasn’t the marriage and family that I wanted. Once the twins stopped crying, there was a knock on my door. It slowly opened revealing Alia, with a worried look on her face.

            “I don’t know what to do. I can’t do all this anymore.” I sobbed, as I cuddled the twins in my arms.

            They were the only thing in my life that was right and didn’t make me want to go insane. I wasn’t sure where Jace was, but I’m sure he’s just as pissed and upset as I am. I’m just sick of the lies and secrets he’s keeping from me. I’m his wife, he shouldn’t be keeping secrets from me, even if he believes its protecting me. I wanted answers, but he wasn’t going to give them to me. Alia walked over and held Rayna and Zack in her arms. She walked over and placed them in their cribs, finally off to sleep again.

            “Izzy, I understand that this is a very stressful time for everyone but-” I cut her off because I knew she was going to try and defend Jace.

            “I told Jace that I regretted him saving me and the scary part is that its not a totally a lie.” I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks again.

            “I know Jace and you love each other. You can get through this rough patch.” She tried to encourage but that wasn’t working, in fact, it made me even angrier.

            “I’m sick of the lies and secrets. I’m sick of the danger. I never asked for any of this! I never asked for such a dysfunctional life. ” I exclaimed, anger starting to get the better of me. 

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