Lost and Found

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            When I woke up the next morning, I was laying in my bed alone. Blood stained my skin and my body ached. I tried to sit up but was greeted with pain. I yelped when I turned my left wrist, forgetting that he had broke it last night. That monster broke my wrist on purpose. If only I could kill him then I would be the happiest person alive. I walked into the bathroom and got into the shower, cleaning myself up the best I could.

                Every time I moved my left wrist, a shot of pain would paralyze me. I needed my wolf so I could heal quickly. With the wolfsbane constantly in my system I'm human and would take four to six weeks for my wrist to heal properly. I walked downstairs, not wanting to face Dillon, but I knew it was impossible. I needed healed so I would have to suck up to him. When I saw him downstairs cooking breakfast, he completely ignored my presence. I knew he was angry and disappointed in me even though I did nothing wrong but discipline my child and tell them the truth about Dillon. He wasn't their father.

              "Please let my wolf some out and heal me." I pleaded. He turned around and finally acknowledged that I had entered the room.

             "No, this is your punishment. Go to the doctor in town and be treated like a normal human." He spat, almost like he was disgusted with me being human.

            "Please, it will take weeks to heal and it hurts." I begged, giving me the saddest, helpless look I could.

             "I don't care. I'll watch the twins while you go to the doctors, but hurry up I have to be at work at one." He dismissed me, and continued to make breakfast, and I knew arguing would only result in more punishments and suffering.

              I was furious at Dillon, shooting daggers into his head, heart and anywhere that would cause him pain. I hated him so much I couldn't even explain it to anyone. I drove into town, avoiding the use of my left hand. It was weird being treated as a human. Normally, I would have gone to the pack doctor with any major injuries or sickness I had, but now my wolf can't help. I entered the doctors office and was soon talking with the doctor as he put a purple cast on my left wrist.

        "So how did this happen?" He asked.

          "I'm not too good on my feet and I slipped down the stairs, landing on my wrist at the bottom." I laughed, hoping it was believable.

           I had thought about my reason on the way into town, knowing I couldn't tell him Dillon broke it on purpose. A smile came to my face at how furious he would be when the human police showed up at our house to arrest him for domestic violence. I couldn't do that to the police officers who had no idea who Dillon was and what he was capable of.

          The doctor seemed to believe my story and dropped the subject. After filling out some paperwork and paying the doctors office I made my way outside. I didn't want to go back home to Dillon. I checked the time and it was only eleven o'clock. I still had two hours until Dillon had to leave for work. I decided to walk around town, getting some fresh air.

           Life was getting worse at home. He broke my wrist for crying out loud. I needed to leave but I knew I couldn't. Where would I go? I hadn't seen Jace in what seems like forever. He probably moved on when he realized that he couldn't find me. Maybe I could find Alia and stay with her. I couldn't do that because she would have to tell Jace. There was always my mom, but how would I afford plane tickets for me and the twins? I surely couldn't be on the run by myself, taking care of two infants.

              I wasn't sure where I was going, just walking past houses and stores. I decided to walk around for an hour and then head back to my car that I left at the doctors. In the distance I saw the pack house that was in charge of this territory. I've debated several times on going to the Alpha and begging for help, since I am a werewolf, but I knew Dillon was close friends with him and would never help me. The Alpha didn't that Dillon was giving me wolfsbane or that he was abusive and holding me captive.

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