Three Years Later

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*Three Years Later*

            It's been three grueling years of torture. After six months of being with Dillon, I knew Jace wasn't coming for me and the twins. Every few months we would travel to a new town, farther and farther from Jace. I've managed to survive and protect my children the best of could but Dillon is in control over all of us. I'm still on wolfsbane, since he still doesn't trust me enough to have my wolf back. I was sitting on the couch watching TV when Zack came running down the stairs crying.

         "Mommy, Rayna hit me!" He sobbed as I picked him up and hugged him.

           I got a good look to see that his cheek was red from where Rayna had hit him. I shook my head and walked upstairs, still holding Zack in my arms. I walked into the twins' room to see Rayna sitting on the floor playing with her toys.

          "Rayna, did you hit Zack?" I asked, setting Zack down on his bed.

          "Maybe." She replied, giving me a cute smile to avoid getting in trouble.

          "You know better than to hit, Rayna. You have to go in time out." I said, crossing my arms as I looked down at her.

          "Daddy!" Rayna yelled as she ran out of the room and down the hall to my bedroom.

           I sighed and followed behind her. When I walked into the bedroom, Dillon was holding her in his arms as she cried. His eyes snapped to mine and he demanded to know what happened. This was a daily occurrence when I tried to punish Rayna. Dillion would act like it was my fault and that Rayna was the victim in every situation.

          "She hit Zack, so I told her to go in time-out." I stated.

          "Sweetie, it's okay. You don't have to go in time out. Go back to playing with your toys. You're a strong little girl, Zack needs to toughen up." Dillon said, setting Rayna back down.

             She went to walk passed me and as she did she smiled and stuck her tongue out at me, causing me to frown. It took everything I had not to beat her little butt but Dillon wouldn't allow that. Dillon was always under minding my authority of my children. He seemed to favor Rayna more than Zack and he's honestly raised her to be a brat, which killed me inside but there was nothing I could do about it. Looking at her, a part of me hates what she has become and as she grows up, it's only going to get worse.

             "We've had this talk several times, Izzy. You won't punish her. She didn't do anything wrong. I want my children to get strong and be able to defend themselves." Dillon said, shaking his head, acting like I did something wrong.

             "So you want them constantly hurting each other? That's not right." I protested but knew my words would be pointless.

             "I'm going to work. We can have some fun later to take your mind off the children." Dillon smirked, giving me a kiss on the lips, completely ignoring me like I was nothing.

             He trusted me after three years not to leave seeing that he would find me. I knew leaving wasn't an option anymore. Where would I go? Jace has probably forgotten about me by now and since we didn't even have a mark connecting us anymore, we had nothing. Over the years, Dillon has tortured me enough to make me terrified to leave. The only time I'd leave is if I had to go into town and buy groceries, which he trusted me to do now.

             I never disobeyed Dillon anymore, knowing the end results would be terrible. He would force himself on me constantly, but it's much worse when he's angry. At this point he's started to take it out of the kids if I made him mad. I walked in the kitchen to make lunch for everyone but quickly realized I need to go grocery shopping. Shaking my head, I called the kids downstairs and had them get their shoes on.

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