Back to Reality

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            Having twins was a total surprise that neither Jace nor I planned for. As soon as everything was normal, I sent Jace to the store to buy another crib and some other things for the second child. We had bought some boy and girl clothes since we didn’t know the gender at the time and now I was thankful for that.

            It’s been hours since I gave birth and I was lying in my bed on the top floor of the house, holding both my babies in my arms. They were so beautiful I couldn’t imagine any better children. Everything was perfect and I prayed that it would stay this way. I kissed Rayna and Zack on the head, telling them both I loved them before they fell asleep in my arms. As soon as I got up to my room I had pack members coming to visit the babies for hours until just now, when I finally got some peace.

            I closed my eyes for a second but was disturbed by Jace opening the bedroom door, walking in from getting supplies. I wanted the kids to sleep in our room for a few weeks mainly because my wolf was on edge and wanted to protect them and make sure they were safe at all times. 

            Jace smiled and walked over and kissed me on the cheek, smiling down at our children who were sound asleep in my arms. Jace started to set up the other crib, quietly, not wanting to wake up the babies. I wasn’t ready for the sleepless nights and constant cries from them. I was just happy that they’ve been quiet and peaceful since I’d given birth. The only cries came from when they were first delivered.

            My arms started to go numb as my babies laid on my arms. I prayed that the cribs were almost set up so they could sleep in them. Finally, Jace finished and took Zack from my arms. I picked Rayna up and walked over to the new, purple crib and placed her down softly inside. Jace did the same with Zack in his blue crib. I sighed and fell back onto my bed, exhausted from the day. Jace laughed at me with an amused smirk on his face. He laid down next to me and held my hand.

            “I love you.” He whispered, not wanting to wake up the babies.

            “God, I’m exhausted. Let’s go to bed.” I whined, closing my eyes before Jace could even reply.

            I woke up later that day, at about six o’clock in the evening, scolding myself for sleeping so late. I only meant to take a nap, but it turned in to more than that. Zack started to cry, which woke Rayna up too. I groaned when I realized that Jace had left for a pack meeting, so I was left alone to deal with two crying kids.

            I slumped over to the cribs, picking both of my babies up in my arms. Zack smiled up at me and I knew he’d be a mommy’s boy. He was so cute; I couldn’t believe that he was mine. Rayna on the other hand, was still crying and refused to stop. She was probably going to be a daddy’s girl then. I carried them downstairs, knowing they were probably hungry. I didn’t realize how heavy carrying two babies were. Alia thankfully came out of nowhere and started walking with me.

            “Oh thank God, please hold Rayna for me.” I begged, handing her Rayna, who stopped crying.

            “How you feeling?” She asked as we walked to the kitchen.

            “I’ve been better. I’m still tired even though I just woke up. Giving birth is truly exhausting. It doesn’t help having twins because if one wakes up crying, the other one does too.” I replied.

            We made it to the kitchen and part of me wished that Jace and I had a house to ourselves, just so we could call it our own. Alia sat down at the kitchen table and took Zack from my hands so I could make bottles. I could have held him, but she insisted on holding them both for me. Once I was done making the bottles, I took Zack back and together Alia and I fed the twins. I was so thankful for her help because I had no idea how I would have done this by myself.

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