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              It’s been nine months since Jace got me pregnant and when we fully mated. I couldn’t be any happier that I was going to have a little me or a little Jace running around here. I didn’t think I’d be this excited for a child since I was still young, but I was thrilled. I remembered the day when I found out and told Jace.

            I’d been throwing up every morning for the last couple days. I knew that I had to be pregnant but I wanted to make sure. Jace did say that it was about a one hundred percent chance of getting pregnant when fully mating to an Alpha. Thankfully, Jace did return to his normal self in these couple weeks since we mated. He was happier and more loving. He was involved with the pack more and was focused on finding whoever Jason was. He wouldn’t tell me anything about him, saying I didn’t need to worry. I knew that he knew who Jason was.

            I talked to Alia and she ran and got me a pregnancy test, so I could make sure. She was excited and already talking about baby names when she left to get the test. It was a bit funny, but I was a nervous about actually being pregnant. I was only sixteen, and would be almost seventeen when I would give birth. The thought was scary, but then again I would have Jace and a whole pack to help me.

            Alia arrived back and I rushed into the bathroom. I waited and waited for the test to show the result, my nerves getting to me. This had to be the longest three minutes of my life. Then the results came, I was pregnant. My eyes widened and then a wave of happiness rushed through me. I was actually going to be carrying another life inside me. I opened the bathroom door and walked out to see Alia watching me. Tears poured down my cheeks.

            “You’re not pregnant?” She asked, looking disappointed.

            “No, I am.” I said with a smile, wiping away my tears of joy. This was so exciting and I couldn’t wait to have this baby. I was crazy to think that I wouldn’t love the baby and wouldn’t be excited about it.

            “Oh my God, I’m so happy for you.” She exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug.

            There was a knock on the door and I watched as Jace walked in. Perfect timing. He eyed me and Alia and when he saw my tears, he rushed over to my side and asked what was wrong. Alia slowly backed out of the room and I mind linked her and said thank you. I wanted to tell Jace alone.

            “Jace, you’re going to be a father. I’m pregnant.” I said blissfully. 

            His eyes widened and the largest smile appeared on his face. I’d never seen him any happier in his life. He carefully pulled me into a tight embrace, kissing me all over, making me giggle. He kept telling me how much he loved me and that he couldn’t wait for our baby to be born. I knew that he already loved it as much as I did. Jace would be an amazing father, and I couldn’t have asked for a better man.

            I remember that day nine months ago and how thrilled we were to be having a baby. Now, I was just praying that I would give birth soon because I hated being this fat. I looked down at my big, bulging stomach and frowned. I missed my flat stomach so much and when I could move around easily. Now, it was a challenge just to get up from the bed.

            I was in the kitchen, making myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, hoping to fill my unusual cravings. Jace was in the living room watching TV with Brent, the new Beta and I was pleased that in these long months, Jace actually found a new best friend and someone who he could trust with his life and mine. I had gotten close to him too, but it just wasn’t the same as Zack. He wasn’t as sweet and loving as Zack, which I couldn’t blame him. Being a Beta, you have to be strong and a leader. Usually leaders aren’t sweet and affectionate, but Zack had always been the exception.

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