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For the past hour, I tried to sleep, but it was nearly impossible because I was still terrified that Jason would appear out of nowhere and Jace was at an emergency pack meeting, leaving me alone with the twins. They were meeting at a building that was just down the road set up for meetings and for if there was ever an emergency. Even though he was five minutes away, I never felt so far away from him.

            I was lying on the bed in the guest room, holding Zack and Rayna in my arms. I listened to their almost silent snores as they slept peacefully, unaware of the danger that threatened them. Why was everything so messed up? Tears formed in my eyes as I started to think of Jason. Even when I begged Jace to tell me who he was, he wouldn’t. He kept telling me that he didn’t want me to worry and that it was dangerous to know right now, but he’d tell me eventually.

            I knew arguing with Jace about Jason would only make things worse and give Jason what he wanted. I tried to guess who he could be but there were just so many possibilities. Maybe he was another Alpha who he had a past with like Austin. Then again, he could have been an old friend who was betrayed by Jace. He could be a relative of someone Jace killed or imprisoned. I frustrated myself by trying to figure out who he was, because I wouldn’t be able to figure it out without Jace telling me.

            To think that I couldn’t feel any more depressed, but that’s what happened. I started to remember Zack’s funeral, because I knew that I could have tried and persuaded him to tell me who Jason was. God, I was going to start crying as I remembered that miserable day.

            Today was Zack’s funeral and the pack house, which was usually loud and filled with people, was dead silent and empty. I had only seen Jace for a second when we both woke up, but he disappeared after that. It’s been about four days since Zack’s death and Jace didn’t speak much to me, unless he was saying goodnight and I love you before bed.

            I knew today would be hard for Jace because Zack was his best friend since they were little. Heck, I’d only known Zack for such a short time, yet I’d loved him like a brother. He was a type of person who everyone would fall in love with as soon as you met him. He was a loveable, caring guy who took his Beta position seriously. In general, he was one of the best people I’d ever got to know.

            I slipped on a lace, black dress with shoes to match. The gloomy appearance matched my attitude. I really wasn’t looking forward to seeing Jace at the funeral and to see Zack’s dead body once again. I still had nightmares about his body slumping into the house, falling to the ground, covered in blood. It would probably haunt me for the rest of my life.

            The funeral was being held outback and he would be buried farther into the woods, but only Jace, Brent, Gavin and Zack’s family could go and see the burial. I wished I could go and I knew if I asked Jace to go, he’d let me but I didn’t want to break tradition of only the family, Alpha, Beta and third in command going to bury the dead.

            I walked outside, the warm air filling my lungs. It was such a beautiful day, yet a dreadful event happening. With Jace barely talking to me, it killed me inside, making all this harder. I knew he was going through a rough time, but I was his wife and mate, I was supposed to help him through times like this.

            There were about five hundred white chairs set up and most were filled with pack members. There was quiet sobs that echoed through the air. I made sure not to wear any makeup because I knew I’d start crying as soon as the ceremony started. Jace was up in the front by the casket, wearing an all black suit. He looked just as handsome as he did on our wedding day.

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