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              My eyes opened and a rush of pain filled my body. The room I was in started to spin and my vision blurred but then came back into focus. My heart began to race when I realized I was in an unfamiliar room. Memories of the fight with Jace and the hotel flooded my mind. I was taken again. Tears poured down my cheeks at the thought. I tried calling to Jace but there was emptiness. I couldn’t even contact my wolf, she was gone too. Then I remembered the twins had been with me at the time I was taken. Where were they? I got up too fast, nearly falling over when I did. I scanned the room, which consisted of nothing but the bed I was on, and a dresser.

            I sighed deeply when I saw the twins in their car seats next to my bed, sleeping peacefully like nothing happened. At least they were safe for now. Tear formed in my eyes as I realized what was happening though. I never expected this to happen to me. I was only seventeen years old and had twins, was in a terrible marriage, and worst of all, was a werewolf who was being hunted down. Dillon had to be behind this and I swear I was going to kill him.

            The lock on the door turned and I watched at the door was flung open, but who was standing in the doorway shocked me. It wasn’t Dillon. Jason stood in the doorway, smirking at me, his bright green eyes staring into mine. I would remember those eyes from anywhere. I remembered when we had met and how much he made my blood boil. He was behind this, but I figured he had help, and that person was Dillon. He stood behind Jason and my hands trembled slightly, seeing as last time we left on the wrong foot. It had only been two days since Jace had found me and I couldn’t believe this was happening again.

            “Let go talk in the living room, seeing as the twins are sleeping.” Jason suggested.

            I hesitantly followed the two of them, my mind whirling with possibilities of the outcome of this situation I was in. None of them were good. I was blinded by the bright lights hanging from the ceiling of the small house I was in. I looked around and found that outside the windows were trees, thousands of them, surrounding us. We all took a seat in the living room, and I stared uncomfortably at the two of them. God, I never knew how much I could hate a person.

            “So do you know who I am?” Jason asked, causing a confused stare from me.

            What was he talking about? Did he want to know if I knew that he was an insane, murderous monster? What did he mean why his question? He obviously saw the confusion written all over my face because he started to talk, not letting me even ask what he meant.

            “See, I knew Jace wouldn’t tell you. He’s too stubborn for his own good. He loves his secrets.” Jason chuckled.

            “What?” I asked, even more confused than before. What secret was he talking about? I knew Jace had many but what was Jason talking about? What did he and Jace have as a past that I never knew? Maybe he would tell me what happened between the two of them and I would finally know why Jason hates Jace so much and vice versa.

            “You see, Jace and I not only have a complicated past, but it’s even bigger than that. Jace and I are brothers.” He said, scowling.

            My mouth literally dropped open at the statement. I was left speechless as I stared at Jason, too shocked to say anything back. My heart sank because I knew Jace never told me this and it was pretty damn important not to tell me. My sorrow turned into rage and all I could think about was hurting Jace for not telling me. How could he keep this from me? My eyes filled with tears at the thought of Jace knowing this whole time who Jason was and didn’t tell me. I didn’t want to believe it, it couldn’t be true.

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