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I made my way downstairs, bawling my eyes out, barely able to see. Without looking, I ran into someone, causing me to stumble backwards. I glanced up to see Brent standing in front of me, giving me a worried stare. Before he could speak, I turned and ran away, not wanting to talk to anyone. I headed upstairs to my room, with two carriers for the twins, knowing what I had to do. I couldn’t stay here right now. I started packing a bag filled with a bunch of clothes and other necessities. I packed a bag for the twins with had formula, diapers, extra clothes and a few toys.

            The twins were still asleep in their cribs, but I would probably wake them up soon to move them. I planned on staying in a hotel until I could calm down and think of what I was going to do. In the distance, I heard my name being called but I ignored it. Before I knew it, the bedroom door flung open and Jace stood in the doorway. He was out of breath, probably from kissing that slut.

            “Izzy, I swear it’s not what it looks like. I love you, please let me explain. I can’t stand you being mad at me for something that is a huge misunderstanding.” He begged.

            “It’s not just the fact that I saw you making out with that slut. It’s also that you never tell me anything. I’m sick and tired of you keeping things from me, especially if they involve me. I get that you want to protect me but I still have the right to know. You’re always working when you have a Beta and third in command that can do things too. I never see you anymore, which is killing me. This is just the final straw. I just can’t believe you’d actually cheat on me, but I guess I’m not good enough for you, right? I’m leaving with the twins and you better not follow me.” I yelled, before I grabbed my suitcase and the twin’s bag and headed downstairs before he could reply.

            I grabbed the nearest car in the garage, which was a black SUV and threw the bags in the trunk. I marched back upstairs and put the twins in their carriers so that we could leave. Zack noticed that I was upset and crying because he started to cry, which then made Rayna join in. Jace was nowhere to be seen and right now, it would be his best move to just leave me alone. Once I got downstairs, I went into the garage, and buckled the twins in the back seat. I was about to get in the drivers seat, when the garage door opened.

            “Izzy, what happened?” Alia asked, running over to me, her green eyes filled with confusion and concern.

            “Your asshole of a brother cheated on me.” I growled, holding back my tears.

            “What? That can’t be right, he’d never do that.” He protested.

            “Well I saw it with my own two eyes. Now, let me go. I’m staying at a hotel until I decide what the hell I’m going to do.” I said, ignoring her pleads for me not to leave and to hear Jace out.

            Maybe I was being unreasonable, but I didn’t care. If you saw your husband and father of two newborns, kissing his best friend from forever ago, what would you do? He’s just lucky that Lilly didn’t get a black eye or a bloody nose. The twins finally calmed down and stopped crying when I did, which I knew would happened because we had a special connection.

            I drove for what seemed like forever until the forest was far behind me and I was in the city. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to stay, but I wasn’t going to be picky about it. I found a motel that wasn’t too populated and wasn’t appalling. It was right off the woods, which made me happy. Ever since I became a werewolf, the woods were my peaceful place. I paid for my room from some of Jace’s money I stole and grabbed the twins and the bags and headed for our room.

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