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                   The past three weeks were filled with adjustments for everyone. Alia was notified of her brothers death and a service was held for Jason, despite the issues in the past. All that mattered was what he did before his death. Someone say people can't change but I strongly disagree with that. People can change but it is up to them to make that change. Dillon's body was burned and his ashes were buried miles and miles away from the pack. He would never hurt our family again.

                  Jace and I decided to let the twins get used to the pack and adjust to a new way of living before we told them the truth about Jace being their dad. It would be too overwhelming for them to take in all the changes that happened to them. It does kill me when Rayna asks where Dillon is, since she still believes that he is her dad. I just tell her that he wasn't a good guy and she won't see him again for her own safety. She still asks me, clearly not understanding what I'm saying to her.

                Jace and I have never been closer. We promised never to keep secrets from each other and never do anything drastic like running away from each other. I told him about everything that Dillon had done to me and how the thought of Jace and my kids were what got me through everything. I thought things would be different between us but honestly it seemed like we had never been apart. Jace had given me my mark again, which made me even closer to him.

                 One problem that I was having was with my wolf. Even with the wolfsbane drained from my system, I still couldn't get to come out. I tried shifting several times over the past weeks but she remained dormant. What if she never came out? Dillon could have killed her or permanently suppressed her. Other than my wolf, I had healed fine. My stupid cast on my wrist was taken off and I made a full recovery.

               I was currently sitting outside, desperately calling out to my wolf, needing to shift for the first time in years. Jace had taken the twins to the park, wanting to spend time with them and catch up for the years that he missed. I knew it killed him inside that he couldn't watch them grow but he was determined to make up for it. I was glad for the alone time, it gave me time to think about everything. As much as I wanted to move on, I still found myself replaying the horrid moments of everything Dillon did to me. Every part of him haunted me whether I was awake or asleep. His voice. His eyes. His touch. A shiver ran up my spine as I shoved away those images that popped into my head.

            "Would you stop thinking about that bloodsucker." A voice yelled in my head.

              My eyes widened as I recognized that voice. It was my wolf! Without any hesitation, I shifted into my wolf. I had to admit it hurt a lot worse than I thought it would. It was similar to my first shift. I guess it made sense; I hadn't been able to shift in years. Happily, I started to run through the forest, enjoying the wind blowing through my fur. I can't believe that I finally shifted. As a wolf, my hearing was even better than before so I could hear Jace's car pull up in the drive way of the pack house. Using all my speed, I took off running, wanting to show Jace that I was able to shift now.

              When I saw him get out of the car, it only encouraged my legs to run even faster. As soon as he eyes met mine, a huge grin appeared on his face. He ran towards me, wrapping his arms around my neck. I licked his cheek, leaving a slobber trail on his skin. The twins ran inside, not bothering to join us. They had adjusted to the idea of werewolves pretty quickly, which I was thankful for.

               "I can't believe you actually shifted. I'm so happy for you." He praised, kissing me on my face.

                I went behind the trees and shifted back, slipping on clothes that had been hidden there for wolves to change into. Jace too the initiative to kiss me with time on the lips, no longer kissing my wolf. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to my body. I loved him more than anything in the world, well besides our kids.

The Princess and Her Alpha (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now