HD ~ Chapter Fifteen

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For the past two or three weeks, I've been telling one of my coworkers that all I want is chicken parm (I don't call it chicken parmesan because only stumps call it by it's full name). I've only just tried chicken parm this past year (and I've only had it twice) but I absolutely love it.

Anyway, this chapter's dedication is going to grinch_17. I really loved the comment she posted in chapter 14 about how realistic she thought this book was regarding Felicity and Cole's relationship. I've never been in a serious relationship, but I've always been able to imagine how complex and challenging it is to have a connection where two people really feel something genuine for each other and know that they can overcome those difficulties if they want to be with each other.

So thanks for the comment. It's small things like those comments that really make me proud of what I write.

 Now it's time to get on with it.



Garrett was the one I was planning on pairing with Felicity. He is a strong wolf, a good fighter, and an even better tracker. The best thing about him was that he listened to everything I said. He was loyal and he would protect my daughter. As long as he could keep her safe, that was all I really cared about.

When he walked into my office that afternoon, I was pleased to see him. It wasn't necessarily that I liked him. Garrett had tendencies to be overconfident and conceited at times. He seems to think that I chose him for my daughter because I thought he was the best warrior the pack had. He wasn't.

There were many wolves in my pack that were stronger fighters and more experienced trackers. He just happened to be the best warrior that was under the age of twenty-five. Felicity was seventeen and would need someone closer to her in age. Garrett, being twenty years old himself, fit the qualifications I was looking for.

Still, I was pleased to see him. Garrett was going to be my chance to get Felicity back in the easiest, most efficient way I could before this turned into something bigger than it needed to be. I needed to get Felicity back, but I also needed to take the pack's safety into consideration.

While Felicity was my daughter, I wasn't going to risk many lives to save her. It would be the most irresponsible thing an alpha could do. If I sent other wolves out to find her and they were killed, then I would be sending other daughters or sons to their deaths. Being apart of the alpha's family had its consequences and this was one of them. I just hoped that Felicity could understand that.

I told Garrett to take a seat in one of the two chairs that sat in front of my desk before I sat down behind it. I folded my hands in front of me before I looked over Garrett. He seemed eager to go on the mission I was sending him on even though he didn't fully understand what it entailed. 

"I think you understand why I have called you here today," I said simply. He opened his mouth to speak, but I held up a hand to silence him. "This is not going to be as easy as you think, Garrett. These men are ruthless and determined. They want to destroy this pack and they are threatening the life of an innocent girl just to gain a small advantage."

Garrett's eyes narrowed. "They're cowards if their using Felicity to bring us down. Stupid cowards."

I raised my eyes at his words. "You think they are foolish to capture my daughter to gain an advantage?"

It was easy to see Garrett's eyes flash with uncertainty. He was unsure of what point I was trying to make and he was deciding whether or not to continue with his thoughts or abandon what he believed in order to satisfy me. "Well, none of the other groups has tried kidnap and ransom."

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