HD ~ Chapter Sixteen

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So I just started watching Lost on Netflix. I watched a few episodes while it was aired on TV and I thought I might as well actually start it from the beginning. I'll see where this goes.

Six weeks until I'm out for summer break and I couldn't be more excited/nervous. Just need to get through this last half of the semester and then finals and I'll be free.

Anyway, this chapter's dedication is going to .

So thank you for the comment and now let's get on with it.



After lying underneath the stars for half an hour, Cole and I got up to make our way back to the house. I slipped my shorts on and gathered the rest of the clothes before heading back. We took our time walking towards the house.

When we reached the house, we were greeted by silence. It was nearly midnight. I assumed everyone was either out for the night or asleep. Right now, I would like nothing more than to take a warm shower and sleep, too. With that in mind, I started for the stairs.

"You have the day off tomorrow," Cole said from behind me.

I paused and turned to face him with a cheeky grin. "So I finally get to sleep in?"

Cole gave me a genuine smile, maybe the first I've gotten from him since I've been here. "Yeah, you can sleep in."

I held out my hand for him. "And you?"

His hand slid into mine and encased it. "We'll see."

"Will we now?"

"Mhm," he murmured as he leaned forward to give me a tender kiss. "Now go shower before I'm tempted to ravish you again."

I wrapped my free arm around his neck and gave him a seductive grin. "How about you join me in the shower and I'll let you have your wicked way with me, Cole Morrison."

Cole's lips curled into a devious smirk and squeezed my hips, making me squeal in surprise. I playfully smacked him on the chest before pushing him back and turning to head up the stairs. Not long after, I felt a prick on my behind. I let out a soft yelp before spinning to glare at my mate. "Did you just pinch my butt?" I asked incredulously.

He gave me a sheepish shrug and pursed his lip to hide a smile. "Maybe." I raised my eyebrows. He groaned. "Come on. Can you blame me? You have a nice ass."

I snorted and shook my head before continuing up the stairs, knowing he was going to trail after me. I felt him reach out to pinch me again. This time, however, I was ready. I twisted around and slapped his hand away before shoving his chest. Cole stumbled down a few steps and I took the chance to run up the rest of the stairs and down the hall.

"Now you've done it!" he called after me. I just laughed and headed for the bathroom.

We went to sleep after fooling around in the shower and then once more in bed. I slept on my back with Cole curled on top of me. His body was between my legs, his arms caged me in, and his head was nestled into the crook of my neck. His weight wasn't crushing me like it probably should have. Instead, I felt secure and safe with his body covering mine. It was soothing and I knew it was something I'd probably miss when this was all over.

I woke up earlier than I expected. It was around five in the morning and Cole was still sound asleep on top of me. Of course on the one day I had off from training, I would wake up early. Instead of even attempting to get out from underneath Cole, I just stayed as I was and stared out the window while running my fingers through his hair.

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